February 6, 2018, 4:02pm
I’m just curious, what parts of Oomatu’s map of Arthaka are considered canon? I know the geography, and the individual regions are, but what about more specific locations such as Mt. Vakama or the temples devoted to the Element Lords?
[source: imgur.com]
Fikouclaw Bay: Named for the small species of crab that inhabit its shores, some cartographers are convinced the bay looks like an actual claw.
Motari Desert: A hot barren expanse of sand, mighty mesas, and nomadic Matoran. Only the brave wander these sands, harvesting the abundant crystals that protrude from the rocks.
Mesaback Village: An ancient city carved into the foothills of the Ihu Mountains. Capital of the Stone Tribe.
Temple of Ketar: An eloquent structure left by the ancient carvers, dedicated to the god of stone.
Mahi Isle: An spit of land infested with the simpleminded Mahi. Beware.
The Village of the Precipus: This settlement is perpetually laden with snow and ice. Only cold blooded Ice-Matoran find comfort in such a place.
Temple of Melum: …
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