Well… If the Matorans are fully mechanic… Why eat at all? To be honest there is no reason for them to eat, there is nothing valuable in the fruit or meat for their mechanical bodies to absorb.
Could we get a clear answer if the Matorans are mechanic or bio-mechanic? @Jon?
Just finishing listening to the latest Brainstorm, and I don’t even care you guys didn’t make anything canon (unless police forces count) and didn’t bring up the names for hours and seconds I came up with. You guys fulfilled so many of my goals! I was mentioned, I influenced the title of an episode, I caused a discussion (almost a debate with the Mask of Time), and @Mesonak thought my name was cool! Thanks, man!
I was wondering for some stories I’ve been writing, could the years be divided into Fourths? Like, rather than saying, “for the Summer”, one could say, “for the Fourth”?
Not sure if anyone cares, but I updated the original post to facilitate reading. Just comment if there is something missing, or if you have more questions.
The reason I’ve used the words “synthetic” before is to create this distinction because they are close to biological beings - much closer than they’ve been before. They are much more closer to humans with a metallic aesthetic. But they’re all artificial, even the organic parts. It’s similar to the robots on Westworld, just more robot looking on the outside.
Even if it hasn’t, I would probably pay to see it. As to answering the question I believe that a pitch I have read (@UltimateMustacheX s Takua pitch was the one) states that while it has been explored, Takua’s job is to map the island.
Yes, I have read that pitch and it’s why I’m asking the question.
There’s been a lot of controversies over whether Takua should be the child in the destroyed village and later a Mangaian guard, but I believe it’s written like that in the story bible, correct me if I’m wrong.
Yeah, Takua is currently the child in the episode 1 script. Since I came up with a different pitch, I’m naturally one of the ones who think he should have a different role.
I don’t believe the island has been fully explored. There are plenty of places that the cast has mentioned the Toa not knowing of. Main spots would probably be areas of the desert and denser parts of the forest. But also hidden spots like mask vaults and Mask of Time fragment locations.
@Jon would it be ok to moc up stuff or scenes around the civil war or possibly set during the war? Asking just because even the basics of the war are barely written (starting event, end etc).
@Jon I have finally watched most of Brainstorm 17, and I’m happy you guys liked my folklore and all, but I promise you, the only reason I put @Ven ‘s name as Venethen is because I thought it’d be more Bananinonanionicleinicle-y. I don’t know why it annoys me, it just does, even though it really doesn’t matter. And then, I just realized my first podcast @Ven actual said his name was Venethen.
@Jon@IllustriousVar How is history recorded and stored in the Archive in Tiro? Do they use paper or carved stone tablets? If they use paper, is it bound like a book or rolled like scrolls? I ask because I am working on a set concept for the Archive.
Drew up this quick sketch for a possible concept of a G3 Vakama. Do the Mangaian’s have any religious temples? I was thinking since Arthaka is now the setting of the land, maybe we could bring back the Hand of Arthaka into the fold with Vakama and the other G3 counterparts of the Turaga as a secret society dedicated to serving the Toa, as a foil to the Brotherhood of Makuta. Vakama I envisioned as being some sort of high sage for a temple dedicated to the Spirit of Fire. A rough concept I drew up below.
I like the concept, but I feel this should be its own pitch instead of a post for questions.
To answer the question though, I am pretty sure that the religion is based on the elemental gods. So in Mangai fire god worshiping used to be a thing. From what I remember on a podcast, Mangai is one of the regions who has left its religion to die. Some of it is related to the Toa.
Toa are not really worshiped like god’s chosen and that leads me to believe in a low religious influence in its culture.
Do the Mangaian Turaga usually have a figure akin to an advisor, grand vizier, or perhaps since they are a militaristic society, maybe a centurion or a brigadier
I really feel like someone already asked this (I’m too lazy to check), but the Rahkshi don’t get frozen because they are the ones who used the Mask of Time, right? Because that seems like a pretty lousy “defense mechanism” for the Mask, just to make it so that the enemies of the mask have all the time in the world to grab it. Does Makuta have anything to do with it? Also, with the Toa and the Rahkshi unfrozen, would they still age? Not really anything that’d affect the story, just something I’m kind of curious about.
Also, Makuta experimented on the Elisians to create fake Toa? He should have been imprisoned ever since he knew about the Elisians, unless he didn’t immediately get in a fight with Ekimu.
If the Brotherhood of Makuta exists in this canon, would it stand to reason that a secret society that acts in the name of Ekimu or the Toa would exist? Something like the Order of Mata Nui in the canon.
Bingzak was a hermit who recognized Vizuna as the avatar of Toa Lewa, and Nokama was referenced as being somewhat of an advocate for Kivoda/Gali in spite of her lack of an “Akida’s Gift.” The Bible also depicted concept art for an Ihuan who resembled a G3 version of Nuju. Perhaps Nuju acted as a Grand Vizier to Izotor, and his father Matoro before him in addition to serving the royal family?
While on the subject of Ihu, there was talk in one of the podcasts about how Kualus and Matoro were from two different bra0nches of the royal family until Ceratavus (who was proposed as an ancestor to Matoro) took the crown. Suppose in a reversal of roles from the G1 storyline, lets say Izotor’s lineage is the “House of Ceratavus” while Kualus is of the “House of Strakk” (bonus points for the similarity to the name “House Stark” from Game of Thrones )
I think they talked about the idea of something like an order of Mata Nui. I cannot remember if they made it cannon or if it was related at all to the main story.
The other questions, I do not understand the main question. Hope someone else can help. Either way, they are gonna be added to the list until we get an official answer.
How’d Karzahni make the Elisians inside prison? How long before Ekimu VS Makuta WWE Showdown of the Century was Karzahni imprisoned? Was it even before? If Karzahni made the Elisians before he was imprisoned, he must have been imprisoned after the Matoran are created. So he must have made the Matoran before his brothers fought, and after Ekimu created the Matoran. Is this correct? In a recent podcast, (I actually sort of asked about this earlier) it was said that Karzahni was imprisoned the same way Makuta was. However, on a previous podcast, it was said that he was simply isolated when he made the Matoran, and whenever Ekimu and Makuta spied on him, he just looked going insane (imagine how fast he must have hid his work). So, he was “imprisoned” twice? I feel this area kind of needs some solidifying, it’s not super clear to me.
The Dark Hunters are established in the bible as having nicknames such as The Beast or The Bully as a nod to G1 characters like Vezok or Hakann. Many characters that didn’t have an association with stone, save for possibly The Trigger if we are to assume these are the G3 versions of these characters
So going by that train of thought, are the Dark Hunters all Po Matoran/Motari, or are they a pan-elemental villain faction? Think something along the lines of the Triple Threat Triad from Legend of Korra, except more of a sextet of elements instead of a trio