General "Quirks" Discussion Topic

Hi all, this is your friendly neighborhood giant Gadunka: Bio. Grab a snack and your favorite chair, you’re gonna be reading for a while. I’m here to talk about my two favorite things, things I hate, and quirky things about me.

Why? You ask. Well, I’ll tell you: I’m bored. And off my ADHD meds.

So, a little about me. I’m a 14 year old guy living in Colorado. I have been diagnosed with a variety of things, shortsighted-ness, a constant cough, extreme nerdiness. But the two most prominent things about me, is my ADHD and my OCPD. They’re kinda the driving factor in what I do most of the time.

Bio, I’ve heard of these things, but nobody knows what they really are, can you explain them? Yes. I can. ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. What it does, is it fill my head with really cool, creative thoughts all the time, so I can never focus on one thing. Neat huh? Another thing, it that I have to actually, literally be constantly moving something, be it my fingers, my arms, feet, head, whatever. So I’m heavily active, both mentally and physically and can never truly be anywhere above 65% in the room at one time.

Great, now what’s this OCPD thing? Is it like OCD? Why yes, my dear friend, OCPD is almost exactly like OCD. Just, a tad more… extreme. You see, a guy, like me, with OCPD, tends to follow extremely strict rules. Self-imposed rules. These rules can be for anything at all, from how to build a structure in Minecraft, or how to walk when on a black-and-white tiled floor (Step on ONLY the black tiles). Not only that, but we have really strict moral codes too, such as it physically bothers me, like an annoying itch, when I don’t read a new text, or when I ignore someone in need. We also like to keep things nice and orderly, which is why I don’t use the mobile site anymore because it’s all wrong. (Suppresses inner scream)

How exactly do these things affect you and make you… weird? Another excellent question. and one I will answer in a type of list, thing.

  1. It affects my personality.
    (gasp! no, really?) I know it’s not surprising, but yeah. My ADHD and OCPD have really made me who I am, an INTP. ( If you have no idea what that means, I strongly recommend you take a click on this link. Even if you do know, look at it anyway, the writing is brilliant and awesome.) It’s affected my way of thinking and my way of doing things.

  2. It affects how I relate to others
    So, my being an inherent INTP has made people a complete mystery to me. I cannot have a conversation with someone IRL unless I know who they are, and their awesomeness-to-failure ratio. (a 10:0 ratio is perfect, and a 0:10 ratio is… well yeah)

  3. It affects what I do for fun
    Again, so obvious, but still true. Like, I play the piano, a lot. Usually fast paced or alternative rock songs (Lots of Coldplay) suit me, as they are both challenging and fun.

Now, that’s out of the way. Onto, my hates, quirks and habits =D.

-First, I don’t like using colons for my faces. =) =/ =D =P I don’t know why, but I just like the look of the equal sign better.
-I hate when people are wrong, it just… I have to correct them. Especially when it’s on something nobody cares about. Like when I know a random piece of trivia and somebody gets it wrong, it makes me really mad and just… UGH
-Sub sequentially, I also hate when somebody quotes a movie or a book or a video or really anything wrong. It’s a quote, it’s supposed to be exactly like the original, why do you insist on getting it wrong?!
-As previously mentioned, I have to step on the black tiles on a floor with black and white tiling.
-I incessantly tap stuff out without my knowledge. I’ll start thinking at 2:00 and then five seconds later it’s 2:25, the class is five pages ahead of me and yelling at me to stop tapping my desk.
-I have conversations out loud to people. Like, if I want to talk to my parents about something, I’ll go through the entire conversation and all its possibilities. I do this with every major decision I make.
-I take a lot of time to think about myself and the reasons I do things.
-When I’m asked about these psychological tendencies, especially by someone who I don’t trust or don’t like enough to tell them, I pretend I don’t know.
-I’m extremely forgetful when it comes to doing chores or homework. Sometimes, I don’t even remember the homework being assigned until the teacher says “Alright, get out your packets.”
-I hate the majority of people, simply because they refuse to be smart.
-I cannot come into contact with felt without getting goosebumps and feeling claustrophobic. (I think this has something to do with the fact that I used to wear felt pajamas all the time, which were really tight and terrible)
-I have to twist a doorknob when I hold it, even when the door is already open.
-I have a whole bunch of rules on what I can eat, and how I eat it depending on the meal. It has exceptions, corollaries, amendments and lists. This is just for eating and I keep it all in my head.

I might post more, but this post is getting extremely too long.

So, what odd quirks and weirdness-es do you guys have? Let the internet know!


I am a person that annoys just about everyone in real life. But I do have some friends IRL that don’t mind. I may sound OK on the internet, but IRL i’m pretty annoying.


I hate the sound of chewing.
When I clean my left ear, the back of my mouth itches.
Double jointed index fingers run in my family.


I have a case of Autism so minor its classified as its own disease (Asperger’s Syndrome). BASICALLY I have a higher than average intelligence, and my social skills are slightly decreased, with the added bonus of minor OCD tendencies (things such as only closing the door a certain way, getting annoyed or even cringing at certain sounds, etc).


I have Irish/Anglo Indian family roots.
I’m on 4 pills, but have no mental issues.
I HATE the sound of Cellophane.
I sleep with a knife.
If I don’t have anything to fidget with I get annoying and bored.
I have Anemia type B.
Without Food I start getting much angry and agitated then anyone should.
I hate it when people get things about the Slenderman wrong, a few weeks ago in a debate one of the girls in my class referred to the Slenderman related killings, but got it completely wrong. I wanted to Punch Her
I enjoy Medium Rare steak, and cannot have anything above that.


My quirks
-I run everywhere. Through the hallway at home and weaving between and dodging classmates on my way to my next class. I am not particularly fast I just dislike wasting time in getting from one place to another.
-I always defend my actions. Even when it’s trivial I will give reasons why what I did is right if someone thinks I messed up.
-I avoid leaving the house if I can. Unless it’s LEGO related, church, of school I don’t want to go.
-I sleep holding one of two baby blankets- I can sleep without them but prefer with. They are soft from years of use and I like to keep them cool. I call them “bunny blanky” due to one having peter rabbit pictures and the other with clothes wearing rabbits on it.
-I think of random crimes that could happen and how I would escape or save the day.
-If some one tells an inappropriate joke I will act like I don’t understand (even though I usually do).
-If some one is annoying me on purpose or not leaving me alone I may yell at them at full blast.
-I get very annoyed if people break the rules in anything I’m involved in and I will yell or report them.
-I will voice act random scenes to myself.
-I keep transcripts of my online chats (at least if some of it was interesting).
-I correct people and argue my point if others disagree (especially in economics class).


I could add so much to this topic, but I want to keep up the illusion that I’m a fully sane and functioning member of society.


Come on man, nobody’s really fully sane and functioning. =P


That’s why he said keeping the illusion. :stuck_out_tongue:


Starting off with books:

  1. I have to own it to read, and if I own it, I need to own every book in the series.
  2. I don’t like public libraries or e-readers, for the previously mentioned reason.
  3. I have to wash my hands before reading a book.
  4. I don’t like putting my books down on certain surfaces. My bookshelf? Yes. My bed? Yes. The kitchen countertop? No. Dusty surfaces? No. In my car? No.
  5. I don’t like sharing my books. Ever. To anyone.

And on to Legos:

  1. I have to wash my hands before building. Every time.
  2. I always keep the boxes and instructions, and try my very best to keep them in the best possible condition.
  3. I store my sets in the boxes. All the correct pieces have to go back into the box before I put it away.
  4. Similar to books, I will only out my sets on certain surfaces.

In general:

  1. I hate other people touching things that I own.
  2. I need at least a loose schedule of what I am doing during the week.
  3. I do not like using public restrooms and drinking fountains.
  4. I dislike being warm while doing non-athletic things.

For School:

  1. I always follow the same routine every morning.
  2. I hate it when my carpool is late.
  3. I try my best to finish all homework while at school. Any extra moment, if I have homework, I will be doing it.
  4. I dislike using the school restrooms and water fountains.
  5. I hate it when 6th or 7th graders bump into me in the halls. I am older than ye! Get out of my way…


  1. I always eat things in an order. Meat/sandwich/other first, salad/yogurt/other second.
  2. If something gets on my hand while I am eating, I need to go wash my hands before I continue.

That’s sorta it. I am forgetting some things, but this is a good summary.



Wow guys, thanks for this! You’re all a pretty great group of people, if you don’t mind my saying. I’ll be dding to my personal list occasionally in the forms of these update things.

-I take a lot of time to think about myself and the reasons I do things.
-When I’m asked about these psychological tendencies, especially by someone who I don’t trust or don’t like enough to tell them, I pretend I don’t know.
-I’m extremely forgetful when it comes to doing chores or homework. Sometimes, I don’t even remember the homework being assigned until the teacher says “Alright, get out your packets.”
-I hate the majority of people, simply because they refuse to be smart.
-I cannot come into contact with felt without getting goosebumps and feeling claustrophobic. (I think this has something to do with the fact that I used to wear felt pajamas all the time, which were really tight and terrible)
-I have to twist a doorknob when I hold it, even when the door is already open.
-I have a whole bunch of rules on what I can eat, and how I eat it depending on the meal. It has exceptions, corollaries, amendments and lists. This is just for eating and I keep it all in my head.

I also updated the original topic. Have fun!


Happens with me a lot. It doesn’t happen much with homework but with tests and quizzes.


Why is this so true?

I’m surrounded by people who never think about what they say, and who continue to fail at school due to complete ignorance. I try my best to stay away from them, but I feel like they’re rubbing off on me.

Luckily, these boards have smart people in it (ie. you guys :D). I love this place :slight_smile:


The summary of my one year in public high school.


Adding onto what I said.
I prefer dubs to subs because I MOC as I watch anime.
I hate people that chew ice.
I hate when people grab my phone.
I hate when people stare at me while doing something.
I have OCD when it comes to my music.
I’m really lazy when it come to cleaning, but when I do clean I get major OCD.
I am really good at hiding emotions.
I have to give nicknames to all my Pokemon.
I Hate People That Type Like This With a burning passion.
Animal and child abuse makes me want to go on a rampage.


I think we’re the same person :open_mouth:

'cept for the music ocd

@BioRaiders532 For the record, you only step on the WHITE tiles. WHITE tiles. That is how you entertain yourself when your mother drags you to the grocery store.

I feel for you on the correction standpoint – that’s how I got my fame on MOCpages, as a critic

My mind has two distinct modes – normal and hyperactive. Normal mode is where my mind is focused on one thing (like school). Hyperactive mode is when an idea has just clicked in my mind, and even when I’m doing other things I’m always constantly thinking about that one thing. (I tend to tap stuff out as well.)

I hate certain sounds, especially sounds of tension or stress, like (and especially) people crying. I also hate the sound of when milk and cereal is swallowed (which is why I don’t eat cereal with milk.

I get OCD about certain things, like cords. I always have to straighten them.

I use too much ketchup for my own good.

I have an obsession with facial hair.

I talk to myself a lot, usually in a deep British accent. I also talk to inanimate objects (like LEGO bricks) when they don’t cooperate.

I also have motivational issues, especially when it comes to MOCing.

I’m incredibly disorganized in most respects, except for my own fanon. in which I have a convolution that might be equal to that of BIONICLE G1.



I’m adding more things! For all your stalking needs!
My memory is the worst ever when it comes to IMPORTANT things, non-important things I remember perfectly.
I’m not a sport jock at all, but I’m one of the strongest in my grade.
When I don’t eat I get pissed off at life.
As soon as my mother gets home I’m pissed off.
I LAUGH when my friends get hurt.

I’m not sure if I mentioned this but I take my pocket knife/Swiss Army Knife/Multi-tool everywhere with me except on School grounds.
I hate being in open spaces, little spaces make me feel space
My voice changes from IRL to Mic.


OK, My turn.

  • I don’t have any diagnosed psychological “issues” (no offence to anyone who does, I just can’t think of a better phrase at the time).
  • I am OCD-ish with somethings like I have to fully wrap up my headphones every time I finish using them (even if I know that I will use them again in five minutes)
  • I never go anywhere without a pocket knife and at least 6 feet of paracord (that’s probably just the Boy Scout in me)
  • as previously mentioned, I am a boy scout.
  • I tend to mentally (and when i’m alone, verbally) act out scenarios that I know will never happen.
  • I am what you would call an emotional recluse
  • I monologue an explanation of every personality trait I have to myself
  • I have the devil for a sister
  • I HATE shaving, yet I insist on having a neatly trimmed beard. (how’s that for mental conflict)
  • When in an awkward situation, or one where i have to explain myself (like right now), I get constant chills and end up almost vibrating. Yes, I know how weird that sounds.
  • Whenever I type something and look back to see a typo, I cannot go back and correct it. I must first post it, then immediately edit it

That’s it for now.


  • My glasses can be dirty as heck, yet I won’t care. But, if there is a single infinitesimally small scratch in them, it drives me crazy.
  • Every morning, I must decide whether to wear my tennis shoes or my hiking boots based on the weather.
  • Despite the last quirk, I never wear shoes around the house or even just outside, unless it’s wet or I have to walk off the sidewalk.
  • for every hour I spend doing school work, I spend another 5-6 goofing off.
  • I can pop my back, my neck, my ankles, my knees, my fingers in 4 ways, my jaw, and my toes in 3 ways.
  • I have extreme acne on my back and shoulders. so much that I have three high strength prescriptions that end up only minimizing it.

Oh, and have I mentioned just how I got injured by a potato?

(the answer: yes)