Ghost Squad: Specter (HF war MOC)

“His name, like those of the other ghost squad members, was chosen for a specific reason. A specter is defined as not just a ghost, but as a widespread fear of a possible danger to come. As something that haunts or perturbs the mind. A disembodied, ever-present threat that spreads fear without even needing to be seen. Specter is just that. He is the perfect assassin, and Hero Factory will learn to fear him.”
-Von Nebula

As a member of ghost sauad specter was sent in alongside other stealth agents to pursue their own agendas inside the hero factory itself. From inside, they coordinated their attacks to tear apart hero factory from the inside. Specter’s task was to assassinate Mr. Makuro, the current leader of the hero war effort.
The ultimate hunter and assassin, Specter was created by the villain factory to slay their greatest enemies. He has an incredibly patient and brutal AI, allowing him to always wait for the perfect chance instead of rushing, and to never hesitate. He often spends long a time preparing to kill his quarry, as he knows he only has one chance. Outfitted with extreme light-bending technology to allow him to become invisible, a cache of weapons, a noise-dampening field, and a unique system of incredible value: A device allowing him and his weapons to become completely intangible for an extremely short period of time(although this compromises his stealth field). This allows him to walk through walls to sneak up on foes.
His skeletal, ghostly white armor was chosen to give him the appearance of a spirit in order to frighten his foes.

Made out of an incredibly tough material, these daggers are exceptionally sharp and durable. They, alone amongst his weapons, can go intangible in a way that allows them to go through armor as though it wasn’t there, only to solidify once inside the foe. The most subtle of his weapons, it allows him to silently dispatch enemies from behind.


When using his twin laser-sighted pistols, Specter usually attaches his daggers to his wrists and turns his sniper rifle into the shoulder-mounted “assault mode”, where a secondary laser activates and fires in rapid-fire. While like this, Specter is a close-to-medium range nightmare, using his shoulder-gun to make it so enemies have no chance to return fire while making more precise shots with his deadly dual pistols. I got the core idea from @spudyeisleycreations and his gun-toa.


A remarkably powerful weapon, Specter’s sniper rifle fires near-indestructable rounds at a speed faster than sound. The weapon is rarely fired, as Specter only uses it when he knows he will hit his mark, and no shot can ever be wasted.

All of his weapons can be stored at once without any extra parts or removing parts.

This build stared with me wanting to experiment, seeing how the skull villain addon and witch doctor’s face worked well for an assassin character, and worked from there. The skull villain add ons represent the stealth field generators due to their frequency and greebling.

Comments and criticism welcome!

Up next in ghost squad: Banshee.


The areas around the front of the shoulder joints could use a little more covering.

I really like the head, though.


The chest looks like it could use some work, but I love that head. It really looks like he’s wearing a bandana or something. :wink:

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It matches the quote really well!
It looks intimidating! It’s simple, but it looks great!

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I actually really like this, especially the weapons

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I really like the head.

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Is that a Witch Doctor skull I see? I love the use of the skeleton covering the face! Those guns are also great builds.

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Really cool dude :smiley:

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I can feel the edge cutting me just by looking at it.

Actually, I think this has a pretty good build and color distribution.