Govis V3

backstory for an AU i won't write

Name: Govis
Species: Antidermis Toa (AKA Makutan Construct)
Kanohi: Altered beyond recognition, unknown

Govis was created by Hivel during the first reign of the Makutan Order, but was not treated as a living person like the other Constructs- Hivel simply saw him as a project, to be worked on at whim, and dismantled when no longer needed. As such, Govis’ early days were dark and dim, left in Hivel’s chambers alone. It was only many moons later (and after Hivel’s supposed death) that he was rescued by Dhampyr, a fellow discarded creation.

They grew close over the years, developing a bond not usually seen between 60% mechanical beings, becoming very good friends. Good friends who just happen to share a house and do everything together.

Oh and also somewhere along the way he got a big arm, probably from Stelt or something idk what else to write here


looks like Razar hit the gym


Interesting use for Bionicle chima head. I hope to make some custom one for 3D printing in the future.


I really like all the detail, gives a lot of character without distracting from itself

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