Graceben's Makuta Entry

Welp this week i have been working on my Makuta! This is the biggest Bionicle that I have ever made! I probably won’t win, but I might have a shot with this guy!

here are some of dem pictures…

Welp there ya go! I know that he is just kind of a big pile of pieces slapped on, but thats what i like about him! xD


I like how it’s a supersized version of Journey To One Makuta. But the mask is small compared to the rest of the moc, so you might want to do something there.


Yeah this, and the torso is kinda boxy and theres a few texture clashes too,

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Maybe try making a custom head thats based on the original mask of control, or better yet, a custom mask of ultimate power.

Yeah I suggest trying out a technic and system build head so you could add your own customization and detail while being able to manage the head size as well.

JTO Makuta: The revamp.

I love the use of the Rocka helmets. :slight_smile:


lol and you can see the Rocka chestplates on his legs! @Lurmm