CS#4 - Ice uploaded.
So is that an older one, or were some of them suggested?
So far it’s all older ones. I’ve added the dates I made each of them.
I’d definitely recommend L.A. Miranda’s Eruei Self-MOC: Eruei | Eruei is a eccentric Great Being. He modif… | Flickr
Has any one recommended Solaris’s selfmoc yet.
Not yet! But it doesn’t matter if they have or not! I’m perfectly happy for someone to get nominated more than once. Just makes them more likely to get picked, hehe.
@Darth.Ben.Ben Thanks for mentioning me
Your Welcome.
[quote=“Likus, post:20, topic:17034, full:true”]
Hey Gringat, I wish to nominate @Chro’s self moc “Chro, Master of Darkness V1” into your chibi moc project.
[/quote]thanks man
No problem bro.
I suggest @Toa_Kasai’s self moc, Toa Kasai.
Can I recommend @HK-47’s Self-MOC?
Old version, Plural.
I’m sorry. I’m out of the times, man.
Introducing the first of Chibi Series 5! Raptor Talon!
Recommended by several of you, but the ticket that got through was from @Booster_Gold!
This guy got out of control pretty fast. He has Aza’s torso design (meaning the arms are spring loaded!) and kinds came out looking like a pop vinyl
Despite the lull in activity here, I’m still keeping track of everyone’s suggestions and am open to more! Check out the 1st post for rules!
Now I really want one… It’s so cute!
This is great! thank you so much!
You should do Greg Farshtey’s self moc, Mata Nui.
You should do @Saxton’s SelfMOC, Psithur.