H4ND-2-H4ND (Stop Motion Fight)

The first stop motion I’ve done in a year! Wanted to work on fight choreography. Feedback appreciated!


Amazing work!
I think the FPS could be slightly higher, to give it an even smoother look, but it is still quite good.

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Thanks! I thought about making it higher, but I was worried a lot of the smaller movements would get lost.

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Yeah, that can happen.

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How many FPS did you use? It looks pretty cool!

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24-Thank you!

w̶h̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶2̶5̶

Typically movies use 24 if I’m not mistaken. I guess it just seemed right. If I did 25, it might’ve resulted in a skipped frame or something, I have no idea how that works.

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