I just saw this on Facebook
Half life three confirmed!
MesoxViper confirmed!
Heists on gta v confirmed!
Three confirms…ILLUMINATI!
yea but this will shock ya that I’m not a big fan with GTA but I do like Saint row and Infamous and all that
Thats cool, but I just put it there for the lol’s and illuminatea
Ahem, it’s actually Coughs Illumakuta Coughs
Huh… weird. Anyway, it’s spelled Illuminati.
I think Kahi made that!
Oh, I bet you wish that were the case.
Lol it already happened
#Illumiati confirmed!!!one!!one!!!
Dude, this topic is from before that happened, when leaks were still coming out.
LEGO doing it right.
I know
I was saying because that part was right
illuminati is also confirmed
Yes, all of this!