Hand of Destiny (Story Serial Continuation Project)

Really nice, good story.

I’ll do you one better: I have a Moc.
I have been sitting on this moc since February and boy was it uncomfortable

pic dump

Of note, the Avohkii is a stand-in, since I don’t have an Avohkii Nuva.

Ideally, if this were a set, it would have a new mask (of course), and probably a new crystal-y chestplate. Also probably a new leg armor mold for the thighs.


What would an avohkii nuva even look like?

Honestly, I think the 2008 Avohkii would work quite nicely.


Whooaaaa that’s freaking cool! Ok a couple of questions:

  1. What is the female Skrall’s name?
  2. What powers has Takanuva gained?
  3. Red star go brrr next?

Also love the moc!!

Yeah that mold but with the regular avohkii gold

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I also feel the adaptive avohkii by Gavla would work too

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Well, since he is a Toa Nuva, he now should have a chest and shoulders armor just like the rest of the Toa Nuva… wait.


Takanuva Nuva? Okay I’ll pretend that it does not sound weird…
Not a turn I’d expected, not a MOC I’d expected. I mean, Takanuva was already looking like Nuva. The MOC is cool (great usage of trans-clear crystallls), it just does not scream “Nuva” to me.
But certainly interesting stuff.

Now is that a reference? And if it is, why?


Huh, wasn’t expecting anyone to ask that. I actually do come up with names for most of the unnamed characters in my stories, even if I don’t plan on using them. For the Skrall sister leader, I’ve been using the name Taelii. I doubt she’ll be mentioned by name in these stories, though.

Haven’t really given it any thought besides the standard Nuva powers.

Well, you’re about to find out…

Yeah, I’ll probably just refer to him as just Takanuva, maybe Toa Nuva Takanuva if he wants to specify his new state.

My thought with the crystals is that the Toa Nuva have silver chestplates and shoulder armor. Now, silver and gold mix has never looked good in my eyes, but the gold-clear pieces work nicely. So basically, the crystal is meant to represent his “Nuva” armor.

Not intentionally. Just thought the same wording worked here.

Anyway, I meant to post this yesterday but wound up very tired in the afternoon, so here it is: the last chapter

Chapter 8

Takanuva held out one of his staffs, gazing at it. Like him, the staffs had changed, now sporting a golden handle with a light blue-ish rod emerging from it. He focused his power on it, and the rod end began to glow brightly. Then, he pointed the staff at the tree in front of him, releasing a small bit of his power. A laser sprung forth, burning a hole in the tree. Like his old power lance, these staffs now amplified his elemental power.

“Amazing,” he said. “I wonder if there’s anything else they can do?”

“Do you think they’re going to be okay?” Tarduk asked.

Takanuva thought about the Skrall. The Skrall sister leader had left, planning to return to her people and lead them to the fortress. And she had promised Takanuva two things – that she wouldn’t tell anyone about Heremus, and that Takanuva would hear from her again some day.

“I hope so,” Takanuva said. “I don’t think that woman will lead them against us. Though if she does…” Takanuva held up his staff. “I guess we just have to be ready.”

“What did you do to her, anyway?” Tarduk asked.

“I’m… not sure,” Takanuva said. “I think I just… allowed us to understand each other. I don’t think I really changed her, though – she still seemed as cold as before, just… a bit more open and trusting, of me at least. You know, a lot like Kopaka after he started to warm up to the other Toa Nuva… huh.”

“It sounds like she and this Kopaka of yours would get along great,” Tarduk said.

“They’d either get along well, or they’d instantly want to kill each other,” Takanuva said. “I’m not sure which.”

Then Takanuva grinned. A part of him couldn’t wait to show the other Toa Nuva his new form, his new powers. Maybe by now Kopaka had found Lewa, and Onua had sent someone to find the Toa Mahri, and they could all be reunited. Takanuva found himself longing to see Jaller again. The other Toa Mahri too, of course, but Jaller had been his first and closest friend. If Onua hadn’t sent someone out for the Toa Mahri, Takanuva might just have to go after them himself.

No, no, he had a duty to return to. He sighed; after this taste of adventure, he wasn’t eager to go back to work.

“Takanuva! Look!” Tarduk cried abruptly.

Takanuva turned to the Agori, and saw him pointing up into the sky. Then he looked up, and saw what the Jungle Agori was so excited about. And despite everything he’d seen today, this one was easily the most shocking.

The Red Star, the same one that had flown over the island of Mata Nui for years, was falling.

For a moment, Takanuva just watched it fall, not sure what to think. As it got bigger, though, he suddenly realized what was about to happen. “Brace for impact!” he yelled, jabbing his staffs into the ground. Nearby, Tarduk dug his claws in to hold himself.

Moments later, the Star struck the surface of the planet, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air. Seconds later, the shockwave hit, and Takanuva was thrown off his feet, his staffs being pulled out of the ground. He waited a few seconds to make sure there wasn’t going to be a second shockwave, then got back up, groaning. Tarduk was fine, having held onto the ground better.

“What was that?” Tarduk said.

Takanuva shook his head. He knew a bit about the true purpose of the Star, how it aided the Great Spirit Robot. With the Robot dead, perhaps the Star had just broken down?

Yes, it could be something that simple. But as Takanuva had come to learn, nothing was ever that simple.

A part of him wanted to go to the Star, right now, and see what had happened. At the same time, he knew he was needed back at the villages. He had to go back there, tell them the news of Heremus and the Skrall, as well as the Star – no, there was no way they hadn’t noticed the Star. Even from the villages, that would have been easily visible. Soon enough, a team would be sent out to investigate.

Takanuva sighed. “We’ll find out eventually, I’m sure. But right now, we still need to go back. I really want to investigate, but… I’m needed, back at the villages.”

Tarduk looked at the Toa of Light, and Takanuva saw a slight smile behind his helmet. “I think I might have a solution to your dilemma, friend.”

A little while later, Takanuva stood before a massive archway, at the edge of the river. Words were written across the top, in the language of the Agori. When Takanuva and the others had come to this world, Mata Nui had given them the ability to speak the language of the Agori, so that they could communicate. Takanuva understood the words “Spirit’s wish”.

“I didn’t want the Skrall knowing about this place, so I led us around it on the way here,” Tarduk explained. “Apparently, it can take you anywhere you want to go. With this, you can go back to the villages right away, instead of having to walk all the way back. This is how Crotesius, Kirbold and I got back on our first trip, so I know it works.”

Takanuva nodded. “Considering the situation, it probably is best to get back quickly. Still…” he paused for a moment. He hadn’t had the greatest experience with magic archways. Last time he’d seen one, it had kept him from going through, cutting him off from his friends. But Tarduk said he trusted it, and he wouldn’t lead Takanuva astray.

Takanuva watched Tarduk walk toward the archway. Just before he was about to step through, he turned back. “Good luck, Toa of Light,” he said. Then he stepped into the archway, and vanished.

Takanuva frowned. Why would Tarduk wish him luck? It seemed like an odd thing to say, especially since he would be seeing Tarduk again on the other side. Unless Tarduk planned on going somewhere else? Yeah, that must be it; Tarduk was going off on some other quest, and he was wishing Takanuva luck in dealing with his own duties.

Takanuva stepped through the gateway, feeling a sickening feeling as space was warped around him. But he’d been teleported before, and he managed to retain consciousness until his vision went brown.

At least, that’s what he thought had happened at first. But no, he was simply surrounded by a cloud of dust, filling the air. His first thought was that the Element Lord of Sand had returned and attacked the villages.

Then he took a step forward, and slammed into a metal wall. A red metal wall. Suddenly, he realized where he was. No wonder Tarduk had wished him luck. The clever little Agori knew this would happen. The gateway had sent him exactly where he wanted to go.

Takanuva had arrived at the Red Star.

To be continued

Author’s notes: Tarduk pulls the opposite trick that the Spirit’s wish gate pulled on him the first time. Takanuva knew he should go back to the villages, but his heart wanted to go to the Star.

Now, for some quick announcements:

  1. there aren’t any “deleted scenes” for this story. Well, there’s one, but it gives away some of what happens in the next.
  2. after this experiment of posting every other day instead of daily, I feel like it actually makes little difference – the problem is that there’s some days when I’ve nothing to do and posting a chapter practically alleviates boredom, and some days where I’m really busy and have to pause what I’m doing to post, and there’s no predictable pattern to it. I think I’m going to go back to daily, but simply not stress about it if I miss a day.
  3. The next story is definitely going to involve the Star.

Nice job!

I wonder how they’re all gonna react to the revived beings…

“For the Skrall sister leader, I’ve been using the name Taelii.”

Very cool to learn this.

And very good work on the story so far! So Takanuva is likely going to meet with the yesterday questers and find pohatu potentially?

Or maybe just go back to his original name and call him Takua Nuva.

After all, he’s (probably) about to be interacting with some Great Beings, who would still know him as Takua, so it’s not a stretch that he might become known under his original name.

(Plus, why did he even change his name in the first place? I know Lego did it for marketing reasons, but no other Matoran ever changed their name upon turning into a Toa.)

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