Help Fixing Stiff Minifig Joints

I recently bought a new set and noticed that the right leg of one of the minifigures is extremely stiff while the left is normal. I don’t want to mess with it too much because the plastic on the right leg appears to be bending. Is there a way to fix the stiffness without the chance of the leg breaking?

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I’ve only done this with old Minifigure parts, but I’ve taken the leg off and cleaned both the joint and the leg with a baby wipe.


I’d suggest taking the leg off and putting it back on again, but your concern about the peg twisting makes me think that won’t be a good idea, you might rip off the peg.

You could try heating it with a hair dryer it something. Take care not to do it for too long or it’ll get really loose, and don’t touch it cuz you know, it’ll be hot. :laughing:

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Remove the leg and clean off the connection points with a wipe.

There might be some grime causing friction.

Lick it…