Hey! Apologies if this is the wrong place for this thread, I don’t visit this site that often. I’m looking for one of five Bionicle-esque bootlegs that include a set of articulated hands, but I have scoured the internet high and low and I can barely find any mention of them. I have a few leads, but I’m stumped as to where to go from there. I started with google image searching pictures of the sets themselves, which eventually led me to some kind of news article that had a picture of one of the sets new in box.
From there, I found the brand name 818, and continued digging around on Google until I found a blog post about another set made by the same company under the same theme. Here I learned the original franchise was named King of Glory, and the company had made a handful of sets based on it.
But no amount of searching for any combination of “818” or “king of glory” has yielded anywhere I can actually buy these sets. The best I got was this thing, which appears to be a King of Glory set by the same company, but in a completely different style.
I already own a pair of these hands, so I know someone made them, but I want to try and find a pair that are still on the sprue so that I can send them to someone who can resin cast or 3D print them and make them more readily available for people. I took some pictures of the hands when I first got them back in 2017- this also has some old Aliexpress links that are no longer valid, as well as the brand I originally purchased, YNYNOO: Reddit - Dive into anything
I did some more digging and it seems like these Iron Man sets have the fabled hand pieces, too, albeit with a towball instead of a standard ball joint:
So yeah. I know it’s a long shot considering these things are 5 years old at this point, but hopefully you guys can help a bit.