Help Squeaver Make a Chapter!

So let’s get down to business

To defeat

The enemies of Mankind

Alright so we got 5 Chapters of Space Marines. A Chapter is basically like a Knightly Order, where a bunch of Marines have their own culture and combat doctrines and the like.

These Space Marine Chapters all come from this single source, the Regal Warriors. Their group of Space Marines got too big so they have to split up their numbers.

So far I have the Decimators, which I’ve determined are quite dumb in comparison to the other four, in the sense they forgot their lineage and what their history is due to an accident on their part. Here’s their current scheme.

Second is the really angry bois, the Fallen Olympians. They are really heckin angry as you’d assume, and I’d need to really explain some heavy lore to have you understand why, so I’ll leave us at that.

Next are the Lords of Iron, who number in the fewest Space Marines, however they have the most vehicles and such. Unsure what their colors will be.
(No image)
Finally there are the Defenders of the Iron Will, who are probably the nicest of the bunch, offering a chance at surrender before every engagement.
(No image)
All of these Chapters are really good broskis, and hang out on weekends and such, hitting up the segmentum together when they get the chance and crusading for a bruising.

Now to my dilemma, getting colors for the last two groups. I’ll use any color that isn’t green if it looks decent.


What about a black and red scheme?


So the “it’s not a phase mom” color scheme?


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Anything for the last one?

Iron Will would indicate to me perhaps silver and something else. Definitely silver as the primary.

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Here, the Defenders of the Iron Will for ya

Now for the final chapter, need a better scheme than black and red

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Hahaha, but that would mean they didn’t follow the codex astartes… wait… is this heresy?

Maybe a silver and black scheme, or silver and orange?

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No, that is codex Astartes doctrine, not following the codex would be just letting your numbers grow without splitting


I’d suggest making them Viridian and Chartreuse.

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Make 'em heretics!


They’re Iron Warriors geneseed lol. You can’t get more heretic than that.

@fangface1 Thanks, I’ll try it out!

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So consistently second best?


You shut your mouth lol

@Winterstorm345 wouldn’t growing to the point of needing to split into 5 successors then be heretical? The successors would need at least a company each which is an excess of 500 marines. But since they’re Iron Warriors geneseed…

@squeaverking Do you even fortify positions bruh?


If the split happened all at once yes

Although they’re already collosal mega heretics so I say excommunicatus Traitorous them


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There’s a reason for this; they found a bunch of old friends and allowed them into the Chapter. The Chapter became too big, exponentially so, almost becoming four times its own size.