Helryx, the first toa, and the leader of the Order of Mata-Nui. I always imagined her as a tough, armored warrior, who stands tall and makes the hard choices. The biggest offense to the source material is probably her color scheme, but I feel like the white and orange really brings out the intensity of her personality.
For her weapons, I went with a flanged mace to shake things up a little. It still has spikes, so I think it counts. The shield was something I struggled with, because I wanted it to be big and solid, but she still needed to actually be able to hold and pose with it. This is still a little too heavy, but I really love the way it looks.
Speaking of poses, here’s a few of those!
Here are the deconstruction photos, starting with the full body.
This is a closer look at the upper leg.
And here are the hips.
Good luck to all the other entrants and may the best moc win!
I like the more unique color scheme you gave the MOC!
This is such a unique design that really stands out against the wave of same-y Mocs we’ve been getting. The colour scheme really pops with all the neon orange.
I’m not sure about canonicity of your version of Helryx, but it’s a great figure on it’s own! (The frame is amazing, seems very articulate)
Now I’m considering to build something like that:)
It’s a standout MOC to be sure, and the color scheme is quite striking. Ultimately I didn’t vote this MOC mostly for one reason- the hand boobs. They look way too organic to fit a Toa.
The color scheme of this one is too bold for my liking, but it’s nicely done as a build. I really like the way you’ve made the hips especially. I’m not sure the rear is really necessary, but I applaud you on making the chest comparatively smaller: it looks more natural and works well with the beautiful shaping you’ve created.
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Thanks man. I understand your gripe with her rear, but without it I felt the figure looked kind of half finished. I considered adding a skirt or something to cover it up but it just ended up looking too busy.
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It said she had weird armor so I just ran with whatever I thought looked cool. I’m glad you like her as a figure!
I’ve always imagined helryx as an intense character, and I figured her colors should represent that. The blue is stern and cold, but the orange gives her a pop of fiery charisma. Also it looks cool.
To be fair, it’s actually one of the best-integrated rears I’ve seen on a MOC. The thighs and hips are my favorite parts of the figure build-wise. Good work.