Hephaestus: Toa of Fire and Metalworking

So well done. The fire area is done excellently, and the metal part really fits the buff armor look.

Being the ugliest God, his face certainly looks hideous. XP

Just kiddin’. Being nitpicky, the only issue I have with this MOC is the lack of a smaller leg. Hephaestus was known to be crippled, so a possibility would be to make a more “damaged” right leg, rather than a small bit of silver.

Ditto. I probably could not have figured out how to use such a specialized piece like that.

I never expected Hepheastus to have a miru, but this looks great.

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Um I don’t want to get in trouble, but I have no other words to say. Other then the fact that this is amazing.

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Pretty neat. Not really feeling those legs tho

This MOC is mostly a jumble of pieces. But it actually looks pretty well for a jumble of pieces.

Good job!

This is just awesome :slight_smile:

Man, this is so good! I can not even think of something to critique on this!

As a hellenist i…

nah joking but i know hellenists they wouldn’t like this one bit!

anyway cool MOC bro

I really like how you used the iron man chest piece!
It looks Amazing!

Very unique and large. Good job. Although, it is quite the undertaking to build all of of the Greek gods, and in that vain, do you also plan on doing other mythical Greek characters, like the Minotaur and the cyclops?

I thought about it, probably over time. I have a few master projects I am working on, they will likely never get any of them done. Doesn’t mean I can’t try though! I will be making a website for all of my MOCs to go on, much more descriptions and such will go there.

P.S. I have also worked on a periodic table toa team, and my own elemental wielding world type thingy.

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