In this topic, you may discuss Hero Factory’s 2014 line, “Invasion from Below!” Feel free to discuss the storyline, sets, and other forms of media for Invasion from Below here!
NOTE: This topic is not meant to be the only HF 2014 discussion topic, but rather a general topic for you to post your thoughts about the theme in. Feel free to make other topics discussing the finer points of the theme if you do so choose, or discuss past years.
I still wish to get all the beasts, even though Bionicle is coming back and I should be saving for that.
I just loved the concept behind them, finally a series of 6 like villains. It reminds me of the good old days of Bionicle. I also like the colour schemes, big fan of turquoises.
Definitely Splitter Beast. Size-wise, he’s your best bet. Design wise, I would also say that he’s the best bet (UNLESS you feel like dropping $35 on the Queen Beast). Splitter Beast is just fantastic.
Just want to give my thoughts on HF at the moment before heading into some of the Bionicle threads. I’ve gotten quite a number of HF sets over the past year, about an even split between Brain Attack and Invasion from Below, and I have to say, I love this theme dearly and will continue to defend it. The building system is awesome in it’s simplicity and design, even if it has it’s flaws. By now I’ve watched every special, Rise of the Rookies being my favorite, and I’ve noticed that they do not rely on continuity to keep the theme going. Whether or not this led to the theme’s end is still up for debate but I will say one thing, I don’t agree with many peoples’ notion that it should have had a continuous story. This is an argument I see constantly, that Bionicle had characters, continuous story, and serious tone, making it the better theme. But I don’t believe HF was trying to be another Bionicle, nor should it have strived to be. The theme felt more childish, yes, but people seem to associate that with being bad, not different. And the specials felt more like separate stories that anyone could jump into, which means more fans could come along at any time and won’t have any trouble getting involved. So overall, I’m glad LEGO tried something new, and whether it went well or not, it sure pulled me in. That being said, I still love Bionicle, but I’m just sick of everyone bashing Hero Factory. It wasn’t bad, just different.
I see where you are coming from, and although I don’t share your opinions, I’m not going to hate you for it.
That aside, here’s my opinion on the matter. I found the IFB TV episode not just poorly executed, but morally wrong. First of all, I didn’t find the genocide thing at the end cool at ALL. The beasts were clearly a species (and society) that already lived there, for much longer than the civilian robots at that. So, somehow the fact that they are defending their home from invaders makes them evil? And then(aside from breez), the heroes proceed to just kill every beast/jumper they run into, rather than just tranquilizing them or trapping them. Then, they chase the beasts deeper into their territory and, aside from breez, the heroes proceed to shoot at the main nest. breez tries to communicate with the queen, but then in an unfortunate turn of story writing a jumper steps on the gun and the queen gets angry again. Of course, the less than dumb heroes take that as their queue to shoot down the nest and the queen beast, dooming that species to extinction. And then, they return to the surface and are celebrated for their genocide. I’m not a fan of that. Oh, and it was kind of frustrating that every time Breez tried to do anything smart, she was kind of just figuratively shot down.
I’m a pretty devoted HF fan/defender and I will admit right off the bat the Invasion from Below special was a travesty in every single way except for animation. The story sucked, morality wise it sucked, the action sucked because the Machines got destroyed instantly, the voice acting sucked because it all sounded the same…
If this is Hero Factory’s final wave then it’s a crying shame that it had to be ended with such a terribawful TV special instead of resolving lingering plot threads. ;_;
I will agree that the ending was one of the strangest things I’ve seen in any kids animation ever. It was really dark and kind of sad. No one really ‘won’ the battle. Could be like a “s**t happens” kind of message, with it being a complete accident, I don’t know.
Yeah, what happened to the creator of the brains, Black Phantom’s mystery contact, and, as I just read recently, Voltix(who evidently escaped again)? And then there were a ton of villains still on the loose after Breakout, and Brains in the basement, and jumper egg in the jet!
Maybe Hero Factory won’t be discontinued when bionicle returns?
Speaking purely from an Invasion from Below perspective, I would recommend (from the first wave) Splitter Beast and Furno Jet Machine. Overall, most of the sets from that wave are pretty solid (except for Evo Walker), but those two are by far the best in my opinion as far as set designs and parts go.
From the second wave, Tunneler Beast, Drill Machine, and Queen Beast all look pretty amazing as far as designs are concerned. Piece-wise, Crystal Beast is cool.
The Breez machine doesn’t look too bad, but the function doesn’t work too well. The Surge and Rocka machine just seems ugly to me. The legs are especially awkward.
Jaw beast is a fun small set. Interesting pieces and you get the Stormer fig. The Freeze machine is only worth it for the pieces if you need them, the build’s pretty basic.