yes but it was not pure contraction ever in its run time it was always a hybrid with System.
Wow. You’re right. I don’t know why I said that.
This Theme was fun, it wasn’t my favorite theme from the Hero Factory line but I appreciate lego doing something different , incorporating system with constraction. But I will say the special was not that great at all lol
They didn’t even bother finishing THAT!!!
My absolute least favorite from the line. This could’ve been a cool wave, answering all of the cliffhangers from the other specials! But rather than giving the line a proper send off, they decided to make a low budget acid trip of a special! XD P.S. I do like my Furno minifigure…
This wave was really neat…It’s the only wave I bought from HF, actually. I loved having minifig-sized constraction characters, with so many interchangeable components…however, I think lego really missed out on an opportunity to explore many different types of Kaiju-themed monsters with the ccbs heads. How cool would it have been to get some massive jawed best, or a hammerhead shark, or even psuedo-dinosaur type monsters for the heroes to fight? Just a neat idea, but goodness, what a fun line!
This was a great wave, I got most of the sets, other then the small sets, and the flea machine. (Still regret that) But this was just…a fun wave, I got most of the sets quickly over the course of a few months, most of them on my birthday…and well… I had a blast. It was so fun to play with them, and later in the day me and my brother revamped them all. This wave story-wise…was meh. but I did have a bunch of fun, and that is what my strongest memories with HF are, just having a blast with some fun toys.
Story wise, ya, it sucked. Set wise and character design wise? The best. Mechs were new for HF, far more original and allowed for creativity to expand in the already limited universe. Had they gone with that route the entire time, we could have gotten some amazing waves. Beast mechs with savage planet, various vehicles in breakout, like subs and jets and stuff. The heroes in the animation also felt more like what 2.0 should’ve looked like. Clones aren’t great, but here they looked great. They looked like symmetrical, robots with aspects of 1.0 (physically mostly) and 2.0. Honestly, if they dont continue with Bionicle, I hope they develop a new theme using this concept of minifigs in ccbs vehicles. It’s alot like normal system sets, but then you could actualy combine the two.
Hmmm… I do see your point! I just certainly didn’t want HF to turn into robot-driven Gundams. I absolutely hated the plot and special, and felt that they had taken 4 years of world building and character growths and flushed it down the toilet! The idea of CCBS mechs is coolio, but I think it could’ve been executed better! Rant over!
I always liked the theme. When the tv special came out I thought it was good, but looking back it wasn’t the best, On the other hand, the sets I got were amazing, and I was presented with a multitude of mocing opportunities. Though every time I tried to build an ultimate multi-hero underground fighting machine, it looked like a crappy Surge combat machine rip off. I’m mostly interested in Bionicle nowadays, but every now and again I still fall into an IFB mocing phase.
I haven’t really made any IFB MOCs aside from revamping the sets.
I should probably do that.
Considering that I’m in one of those phases right now I would suggest that you go do that.
My parts are kinda all in a box shoved into a storage unit…so…
Maybe later.
That’s fair
The thing I did not liked at invasion from below is that the characters’ voices had been changed