Hero Factory in 2015 or no?

Since bionicle is coming back, will Hero Factory be cancelled or have an ending but no 2015 pictures yet but I say wait until October, November or December but we shall see, but if Hero Factory comes in 2015, I wonder if we get Dark Maker or what ever the name for the villain who released the brains, but I bet that Cliff hanger in Invasion from below will never happen in the next episode

HF is likely going away.

I mean, Bionicle 2015 has so many sets that there’s no way Lego’s putting up two constraction lines.


I can’t imagine Hero Factory continuing. Unless they switched to a purely System theme, which is possible

TTV kinda covers this, so I’ll sum up what they said. Basically, if Bionicle is using HF pieces, witch it is, then there’s no reason to keep HF around. There’s nothing HF has that Bionicle won’t. But hay we won’t actually know till Lego says, so there’s hope for HF I guess.

They also said, But This may not happen but, it’s possible that Hero Factory end at the begging of 2015 but we all don’t know yet but I’m not saing it will happen but I am not sure until I see real proof if HF ends and Bionicle comes back

Yeah I know the feels

but With Hero Factory would have a new DVD but it would have got 1 episode

Hero Factory doesn’t get DVDs anymore.

Just 22-minute commercials.


Hero Factory is, for all intents and purposes, dead. I suppose we can’t 100% rule out a final Winter wave considering we don’t know if BIONICLE’s 2015 relaunch will be Winter or Summer, but I wouldn’t put too much stake in it.

Hero Factory is a theme that had a lot of potential, but was undercut by Lego at almost every turn (likely due to sales, but still). It had a pretty good run, and had a lot of excellent sets, but I feel that its time has come. There’s still plenty of potential with the theme, but it’s very obvious its budget has dwindled massively and it has not been a focus of Lego’s for some time now. I don’t see them increasing its marketing budget to any substantial degree, ESPECIALLY if BIONICLE’s coming back. Taking that into consideration, I’d bet my life it’s canceled.



If it’s not cancelled, then who gets your life?

I’ll cut my life into 15 pieces (2015 symbolism) and distribute them amongst the top posters in the Hero Factory forum.



that’s right it’s not full proof that bionicle is coming back, but still possible but it might be made up but like I said I want full proof that if bionicle is coming back and that bionicle 2015 pic is just prototype and Hero factory is getting a new DVD since we are having Invasion from below but I do believe Bionicle is coming back with this picture but I want to see more proof and HF is defiantly geting it’s final DVD.

Unfortunately, I heavily doubt that HF will get a final DVD considering, correct me if I’m wrong, Breakout never received a DVD (nor did Brain Attack). :confused:



I have the Breakout/ Brain attack DVD so yea it did it came to Australia in December haha so yea and I just used my 3DS because the camra is charging I know terrible graphics but you can see it atleast but this is proof enough and my Barraki bed in the background

Breakout and Brain attack came together as a dvd

Edited for double post :slight_smile: -Meso


Oh wow! That’s actually really cool. I had no clue that existed. XD

Alright, then, perhaps it is decently likely that Invasion from Below will be released on DVD.



I had no I dea that they put Breakout and Brain attack in 1 dvd so it’s possible

I it’ll be canceled this year, but not without one more wave of sets for next year.

Hey Meso! If Greg farshtey made a bionicle/hero factory movie with the breakout plot fixed and involving von nebula working with makuka on the anti-hero factory,
would you watch it? Discuss it in your next youtube podcast. P.S. watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik49aju9fSk

question: You do realize that Greg Farshtey would have pretty much nothing to do with such a movie, right?