Hero Factory Mafia II: Corruption


i said STAP

just play this 120 times


Or alternatively:



You okay bro? Trying to fill teh thread. Chill bro, I am soory.

And we will all die before the game even starts. Chill like ice, not chili, people.

That statement that I just made was weird.

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For @DarkTakanuva only: Backstab Reboot stuff

so uh when is the mafia gonna deside?

The Mafia have already reached their decision; I’m waiting on one of the other roles. I’ll try to have the scene up soon.

All right, an unknown role! This sounds interesting.

Edit: calling it right now that it’s Matoro.

Edit 2: Makuro. I meant Makuro.

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Nope, it’s definitely Matoro. :stuck_out_tongue:

Day 1: Water ReZehvor

The next day, the heroes spread out to begin their search. There were nine groups of two, traveling eastward in a roughly grid-like pattern. While they were too spead out to see each other through the thick trees, each team had been given a radio and a flare along with their scanning equipment. At first, things went fairly smoothly; even if nothing of note was discovered aside from a pair of posessed Ogrum, no real trouble was reported.

Then during the fifteen-minute chekup, several heroes said their partners had disappeared. The mission leader commanded them to rejoin as soon as possible. Five minutes later, a flare went up in the southwest corner of the grid, burning brightly against the also-bright blue sky as it hovered phantasmically over the treetops. The whole troop converged on the spot, to find Benjamin Chrome and Jonathan Lucius standing, somewhat shaken but unharmed. As they explained, some sort of plasma bolt came through the trees, but before it could hit Benjamin, another hero, moving too quickly to see, blocked the shot and disappeared back into the forest.

Benjamin Chrome, (@Chro) saved by Hero Recon Member

However, this wasn’t the end of the chaotic morning, as a quick headcount showed that one other team was missing, that in the northwest side of the grid. As if on cue, another flare erupted from their last reported position, and the group quickly rushed to the scene.

By the side of a small lake, the normally arrogant Zonk Hero was staring into the water with an uncertain expression. It didn’t take long to see why; resting facedown at the rocky, algae-coated bottom was the body of his team partner.

Captain Falcon, (@MT_Zehvor) Hero, killed by Brain-Posessed Hero

Not much could be gleaned from his explanation; apparently they’d been skirting the lake’s edge when Falcon stepped into a pre-prepared trap. A rope pulled him up into the air by one leg, then a large boulder held up by a net was swung out of the treetops and right into the hero, smashing his core and snapping the rope, sending him flying out and down into the natural resevoir.

Perhaps it was because the memory of the incident a year prior had haunted the heroes more than they cared to admit, or perhaps it was because the pulley system used in the trap seemed too sophisticated to be set up by a normal brain-controlled creature, but either way, it was decided that there had to be a traitor among the group. The teams who’d split up seemed to be the most suspicious:

Eiss Cream (@Charyas) or Julius Pilum (@Legionarius_Slime): The southeast corner team. Pilum called in to report Cream’s absence; Cream claims that they’d been following the route when Pilum disappeared on them.
@ToaVuhii or Johnny Doctor (@John_Smith): The team in the center of the grid. Neither called in at all during the regular checkup, but Doctor later said that Vuhii had disappeared for a short time, while Vuhii offered no comment.
William Blaze (@Willess12) or Arty McBuilt (@Artakha): The team in the northeast corner of the grid. Arty remained on course and called in Blaze’s absence, but Blaze claimed to have been doubling back because they’d dropped a piece of the scanning equpment.
Zonk Hero (@Hawkflight): Was the hero who spoke out during the initial meeting; could have been taking out his resentment over the harsh punishment on his team partner.

It was decided to make camp for now while they debated; the suspect would be executed at noon.

Yeah, a lot more suspects than usual this time, but that was more due to the circumstances of how I’d set the scene up; we’ll likely return to a more regular setup in following rounds.

Each player can ask me two questions each round to have me elaborate on certain aspects of the scene, but I can choose not to answer, and the questions must be reasonably specific. Also, be careful of jumping to too many conclusions based on my answers, as it’s easy to follow a line of thought to an incorrect conclusion based on completely accurate answers.

Voting ends at 11:00 PM Central Time tomorrow.


Wut? Two attempted killings?!

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Indeed so. :wink:


It’s one of the Imposters coming for revenge! :stuck_out_tongue:

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… this is a hard one

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Potassium would help you to think. :stuck_out_tongue:


#Donkey Kong is GONE go away


Out of all of these, @toavuhii is the only one who did not comment. This makes Julius Pilum suspicious.


“The imposters shall be destroyed by the power… of ZONK HERO!”

cough cough

Anyway. As for questions. Is there anyone that Zonk Hero might have seen prior or after Captain Falcon’s death?

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I totally did not forget about this hehehe

okay so

Slime seems like one

Possibly vuhii

maybe hawk

Gonna go with vuhii?
The no comment thing is way too suspicious…

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UHHHHHHHHHH… Am I at the mercy seat? I vote @ToaVuhii. Why? The random absence without comment. As if he was dazed…


Jace Excavor says so.