Twelve months prior
By the time more heroes had returned from their own successful missions, the imposters had disappeared, leaving naught but the shattered bodies of other heroes scattered about the factory. Zib was rebuilt, and restored to life with the backup of his memories – frustratingly but mercifully, that backup had been made before the incident had begun, and so he did not recall the event.
Long discussions among the Factory’s leadership were had, but finally it was decided that the public didn’t need to know what had happened. The storage room where the final encounter had taken place was marked off-limits to those without the proper clearance; the interior held only a small statue to honor the fallen heroes, who were marked as “Missing in Action” on official rosters.
Nine months prior
It was by complete accident that it happened, a civilian in a remote agricultural planet having stumbled into a blue box to escape the rain. Inside, she saw a hero’s body sitting slumped against one wall, an intact Quaza Crystal on the shelf opposite it. Using the convenient phone also present, she called the Factory, who were quick to arrive.
The last thing he remembered was fighting his mortal enemy, Valeyard, but regardless, the real Johnny Doctor had returned. Not long after, Jonathan Lucius also returned to them, under similar circumstances.
Five months prior
What soon came to be called the ‘Brain War’ began, with the opening salvo being aimed directly at Makuro City and repelled through the valiant efforts of William Furno and his team. However, that soon proved to only be the beginning, with fresh waves of Brains being sent to various planets throughout the system, each time changed, adapted. Where they came from remained unknown, but the Factory knew they had to find the source of the parasites before too much more time passed.
Present Day
A hero dropship descended cautiously through the dense green canopy, the pilot struggling to get the wide load safely between the close-packed tree trunks. No less than eighteen heroes were packed in the main cabin, anxiously looking out through the windows as leaves fluttered past. Finally, though, touchdown was achieved with a loud Ka-Chunk.
The forest, a mixture of towering redwoods and shaggy pine trees, was quite frankly beautiful in the dying afternoon light, sunbeams lancing through the branches to illuminate a small waterfall nearby. However, there was no time for sight-seeing, and so to that end, the mission leader called their teammates to gather in a clearing. “Alright, you’ve all been brie-“
“We’re here to see if this is where the brain creatures are coming from, be careful since they’ve adapted to make themselves invisible and perfectly mimic the possessed creatures’ behaviors, we’ll be here for at least two weeks until we’ve done a full sweep of the planetoid, yadda yadda.” Someone else interrupted. They were quickly stuck with the duty of carrying all of the extra equipment.
“We’ll make camp to recharge here for tonight, then begin our sweep first thing in the morning.” The mission leader finished, clearly irritated.
That night, a skittering sound filled the camp. The sentries frantically looked about the camp, but saw nothing. Moments later, all went still and silent once more.
The brains had already found their targets.
Hero Factory Mafia II: Corruption
So, you probably already know the rules, but in case you don’t, you can find them here.
General Rules:
- All general TTV rules
- Don’t betray your side, please. People have had a ton of problems with this elsewhere…and games legitimately got ruined because people betrayed their team out of spite.
- When you cast a vote for someone, if you decide you’d rather vote for someone else, you can do so twice. All voting must be done by posting in topic, and making it very clear who you are voting for. If you do change your vote, please make it obvious who you are changing it TO and FROM.
Example: I will change my vote from X to Y.
It will not count if you do not list both of these things
Brains (Mafia, x4): Every night, the heroes under the control of the Brains all get together to plan their next target; the rest of the time they pose as regular heroes.
Heroes (Townsfolk, x11): Normal heroes, sent to locate the source of the repeated Brain Attacks
Mission Deputy (Interrogator, x1) Every night, the Deputy can discreetly speak to one of the heroes and ascertain if they’re who they claim to be.
Hero Recon Member (Sherriff, x1) One of the heroes is also secretly a member of the reclusive Hero Recon Team. Every night, they can choose a hero to protect; if the Brains target that hero, this agent will be able to step in and assist them.
??? (Secret Role, x1) One of the other heroes is not what they appear to be.
- @Willess12 (William Blaze)
- @Legionarius_Slime (Julius Pilum)
- @RECspiriah (Karrie Vandal)
- @John_Smith (Johnny Doctor)
- @ToaVuhii
- @Chro (Benjamin Chrome)
- @Carrot8o (Fredrick Carrot)
- @Vantastic_Nick
- @Dunkey_Kong (Nathan Wind)
- @Seto_Kaiba (Randy Packer)
- Charyas (Eiss Cream)
- DarkTakanuva (Ivo)
- legomaster1378 (Johnathan Lucius)
- Hawkflight (Zonk Hero)
- Artakha (Arty McBuilt)
- TFM101 (Jace Excavor)
- Marendex_T17 (Victor Prime)
- MT_Zehvor (Captain Falcon)
Roles will arrive by PM shortly. If you didn’t get a PM, you’re a Hero. You know the drill.
Scene will be up within the next twenty-four hours, Mafia permitting.