Hero Factory Nostalgia Topic

Well, we have one for Bionicle, and being a huge HF fan, I decided “Why not?” And made one.

here are some starters.


I feel nothing.


I’m guessing it’s not old enough for me to feel any nostalgia (that and the fact I didn’t really like Hero Factory)

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I spent the latter part of my childhood living and loving HF. so I might be the only one here who has major nostalgia for it and all the good times I had with it.


Hero Factory felt like Bionicle STARS every year, so…


I guess that’s the difference between you and I. Example: I liked watching Pokemon when I was a kid, and I did enjoy it. But I could never love it, because even then I knew it wasn’t that great. I also watched Batman: TAS and that has stuck with me ever since. I just can’t emotionally attach myself to things that aren’t interesting.


Neither can I, which is why I love HF.

Which Is is why I did not.

lets agree to disagree.

I always loved the feel that these images gave off.


The coward’s way out, eh?

Fine. But I shall return.

No, I just don’t want to fill up this topic meant to celebrate HF with needless arguments.

Oh my gosh I forgot about those. Thank you for reminding me.


The first teaser…

Such feels



Thanks, that was a gut-punch to the feels.

I remember seeing that in the library, because our home internet was not good enough. so whenever we would go somewhere with internet we would make sure to go on Hero Factory.com.

Anyone else remember Creep/Jungle crushers? those were awesome.


honestly, these are awesome.
I wish HF gave off this feel, rather than this…

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They were okay but I liked the original “Mission” games, even though they were rather difficult. I really liked how they used the CGI models of the heroes/villains in the game.

Too bad it wouldn’t save so I had to complete it all in one run.

The Breakout game was also pretty great. Ah the joys of digitally customizing a hero and burying their heads in a giant chest plate


And one of the most nostalgic things for me, personally.

My first constraction set. and one of my favorites.[quote=“Rockho, post:16, topic:23450”]
The Breakout game was also pretty great. Ah the joys of digitally customizing a hero and burying their heads in a giant chest plate

I played through that entire game a few months ago, still my favorite LEGO game.


I only liked Breakout
the rest was kinda ehh


The thornraxx level music tho

You found all the secret passages?

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That game has a surprisingly good soundtrack.

Not all of them, but a few.

Anyone else remember the joy of when a new episode would come out? I remember watching the Breakout episodes with a friend, then when my parents came home with Furno breakout and Jawblade (I asked and payed for them) I also remember the excitement of when the Brain attack episode came out in English.

Good times.

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