Greetings fellow builders I shall now unload a few of my creations that I have put together a while ago and would have uploaded sooner but work kept me from doing so.
Breez - Techno-organic Experiment
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Week 1
The R&D team has gone mad…this is just wrong…Machine and Organics don’t mix! Ever since we got usable samples of that mutagen from Black Phantom’s ‘remains’ HQ ordered us to integrate it into a Hero’s system, and of all the agents they sent Breez… the one that can talk to creatures…or so I’m told. I personally was against the idea to use an operative as test subject but the R&D chief gave the order out… I suppose it’s for the greater good in the end …
Week 2
Okay…we made the gene-sequence bond with the cyber-interface, I’m honestly horrified by the concept of a growing and living machine. The first implants will be surgically inserted later this day. Thankfully I’m not needed for that, though I can’t help but already imagine hearing painful screams once she wakes up. The growing nerves and neuron-paths to each new muscle/servo. I REALLY hope HQ knows what they want us to do…
Week 3
We made a monster…I’m being literal, she is an abomination of nature. Her rapid recovery after the surgery was surprising not to mention some unforeseen things… she grew 2 new limbs out of her back that are like tentacles in structure with stingers on the end, we haven’t gotten a sample out of her yet as we are still keeping her in containment in case it’s something infectious. HQ was concerned by this but instead of shutting the project down they sent more staff and armed guards to keep the safety. For now Breez is calm and seems unphased by her appearance.*
Week 4
She created…a thing…a bipedal creature that was not there the last night. Watching the camera footage it seemed that from the place where her extra limbs are she ‘gave birth’ to a seed of some sort that over the night grew bigger and bigger growing into a walking mouth that as also just like her half flesh, half machine. Those sharp teeth fill me with worry and it looks like a few of my colleagues share my viewpoint. I’m going to report this insanity to the real authorities to investigate this madne…
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Week 5 of project
I still can’t believe what happened to Dr. Nix, somehow that biped creature escaped containment and found my colleague, then…well I can’t even describe what happened. The guards only heard the death screams. The creature was put down for good which seemingly angered Breez. We might have made a horrible mistake with this project…
Log out.*
This one I was planning on making for a while as well, I did mix a little Queen of Blades into this one as well as a hint of Poison Ivy too when building, though the lower legs aren’t my favorite part but with what I had it works.
As for the little critter, I wanted create a “pet” for Breez which at first was supposed to the a quadruped Venus-flytrap like creature but instead I went with a two legged walking mouth, it kinda looks like the Hulk version of Pac-man.
Rocka - VIP Bodyguard
Hero Factory proudly presents our newest Hero model, the VIP Bodyguard! One of our top agent, Rocka will demonstrate this new Hero variant. As you can see he is well armored, especially his back. Allow me to explain, Rocka will cover the VIP with his body, holding onto the person and always facing his back to the attackers, absorbing incoming damage. As for offense the variant comes with an arm mounted cannon with fast firing mode, though damage out put is weak, and slow but high damage firing mode in case the VIP is ambushed by armored vehicles. His choice of color is also serving purpose, gold will stand out and will draw attention to himself rather than the VIP. Any questions? …
Segment from a Hero Factory benefactor presentation
This one is pretty much an updated version of the ‘revamp’ I made quite a while back. Though I must mention that the neck articulation is a little limited due to the big back armor.
Evo - Support Class
Evo’s support variant balances out offense and defense with a mounted energy cannon on the back and a personal energy shield projector on the arm that can expand to keep the whole body covered for a short period of time. This variant also comes with a special attachment unit but for now that is still in beta testing and has bugs to fix, but once we are done, specialized operatives can possess it as soon as mass-production can be arranged with the construction line.
Report segment from R&D sector.
This one is a pre-spec ops version of Evo, I also planned on giving him more than one attachment but at the moment of it’s creation I wanted to keep the yellow pieces for another revamp I will post soon.
Stealth Stringer
Our latest breakthrough in stealth technology is still in beta testing but results are very promising thus far. Stringer has been equipped with a silenced tranq-pistol and a sounds nullifying shield that creates a dome around him from which no sound can escape yet he can hear his surroundings. His new armor systems are also programmed for near perfect camouflage, hide his energy signatures and last but not least a coolant system to keep him from overheating. Side note, the fumes of the coolant can be used as knock-out gas, a surprising discovery I might say. We plan field testing in a week or so, but HQ is rushing us as this con-bot Voltix, is on the loose on a planet full of organic lifeforms. I really hope Stringer’s new systems can fool the titan, otherwise his thin armor will be the end of him.
Report segment from the Hero Factory R&D Staff Chief.
This one was mostly based on Metal Gear Solid, I even planned on giving him a box, but I kinda forgot about it with the busy days I had lately >.>
But, I should be able to make it sometime soon.
And last but not least,
*“ALERT! ALERT! Prison break in progress! Convict known as Rotor has been seen to head towards an experimental Hero Factory builder unit to upgrade himself! Be careful heroes Rotor packs a dual-barreled arm mounted cannon that is just as deadly in close range as it is in long range, this marksman is no pushover!” *
Thought I give this fella a little upgrade, only kept the legs with minor changes as those looked solid as they were by default, and before anyone points out yes he has long arms, but if he stands up properly proportion wise it should be okay, yes the torso is a little stubby too, but then again he soars the sky he can’t be too big either, plus he is a ROBOT, who don’t have to follow human proportions as well.