Hewkii, Herald of Amset-Ra

Ohhhh yeahhhh, we’re starting the Inika Revamps!
These are going to be much more fun to tinker with since the Mata had designs that are wayyy more set in stone, while the Tohunga toa started with much more crude, almost monster-like designs, so giving them more standard looks and identifiying their qualities is an additionnal effort

Having access to sticker sheets and more intricate parts makes these muuuuch more challenging to design how i want to do these, god bless post 2000s detail!

A lot of blues present on him as well, wonder if it reminds him of a loved one :thinking:

quite different looks for 2 stone toa, you cant tell its the same tribe haha

Gotta love some egyptian influence

Next up is Nuparu, no need to explain what he’s gonna be based on, I think everybody gets it xD


Egyptian Pohatu is definitely a unique concept. I feel like the feet should be a diferent color, but aside from that this moc looks good. A little messy, but it conveys the theme extremely well.

And there’s the Power Miners Toa! Of course it would have to be Nuparu.


It’s very colourful


what color would you suggest the feet should be?
also tbh hewkii has always a messy boy hasnt he? inika is a lumpy boy and mahri is asymetrical so i just went with it


the best color would be dark orange, but unfortunately that isn’t an option

it’s true, Hewkii amputated his hand for the cause, he’s a dedicated soldier :fist: :pensive:


I love the sticker detail on the mask, I’ve never seen that before.