High Lord Zi-Vi-Jor (version 2)

This is an updated version of High Lord Zi-Vi-Jor. I made him custom arms. A shield and a staff. I also added some armor plates on the legs that made them look more complete.

Staff of magnetism

Old version:


It’s a good MOC, but I personally think the red on the weapon is odd.

That and it looks a tad messy in the textures around the legs.


this is something and I like it nice build

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I can see the lower leg having balance issue, but the top portion is great

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once in a stable posistion it stands up pretty stable. But the balance is definitly the biggest problem with this MOC. the main reason for this is the knees. That definitly a point of attention for a next MOC.


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My reaction to this includes naughty words.
It’s that awesome.


A bit messy…

But I give you extra points for a big tall MOC.

Good job.

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Its so tall


The torso looks awesome but I think the proportions are a bit off, with the torso looking like the Gipsy Danger with really thin legs, still its a good Moc considering how tall it is!!

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How stable is he?

he looks awesome but one knock would send this guy crashing