History Faction Wars Reboot!

Very soon. In the meantime, everyone choose what unit you specialize in.

Can we keep it secret and decide it in the PMā€™s?


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Is it to late for me to join?

Hmmm. Considering that the first turn isnā€™t up yet, i guess not.
No more people can join. Leo is the last person to join.

Wow, I got in just in time then. Anything I should know before jumping in?

Whats your civilization?

ROMAN!!! of course.

Youā€™ll have to share with @UmbraManis

Romeā€™s taken but you can join with @UmbraManis to be with it.

Then I shall join thee.

So I post in this one? :stuck_out_tongue:

This looks like a text version of a weird Civ Vā€¦

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Is this still happening?

If people would RESPOND TO THE PMā€™S it would be.

Well thatā€™s frustrating :rage:

Who answered the PMs?

I answered mine.

I believe I answered mine, though I may be wrong. @charyas, can you confirm one way or the other?

You have answered yours.

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As you know who has and who hasnā€™t responded, do you think you should tag them to remind them this is a thing?