History Trivia sign up! (No room for more people)

So, trivia. This game will be very simple.
So, every day i’ll post a question relating to history. I’ll wait a bit for people to answer, and whoever answers the question correctly will get a point. I’ll say who answered correctly, and the FIRST person who answered correctly will choose and PM me the question, i’ll post it, and the cycle continues.

So if you want to sign up, just say so and you’ll be in.

  1. John smith
  2. Bionicdeadpool
  3. Oonie
  4. Plural
  5. xX_TChalla_Xx
  6. TBT_Emerald
  7. Random_great_being
  8. Booster_gold.
  9. Emuex
  10. Spyaang

Sign me up!

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me too.

I suppose I’ll sign up. I’m not that much of a history buff, but I’ll try it out just to see how I fare.

I probably wouldn’t be the first to answer, but why not try. Could you sign me up?

Well, I’d join.
But I know pretty much know no history.
I’ll pass.

Sign me up.
I’m ready to lose.

So this is pretty much going to be @John_Smith versus @Bionicdeadpool


If this is Wakandon history, I’m good.


I’ll join.

Let me in plz

Wow! We only need three more members to start!

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I would join, but I’m going to be away next week. :frowning:

You know what, I change me mind.
I’ll join.
I’m curious


alright, @John_Smith lets do this

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My body is ready. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Listens to entire Star Wars: Republic Commando soundtrack

Lets do this

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Eh, I’ll join too.

I’d love to join!

Okay, we’ll start VERY soon.

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