Hoods in Constraction

I’m confused as to what you mean by that.
MMy point was more about the atmosphere, and direction of Bionicle right now, (Which I’ll admit ,I’m not an expert on) and less so about the quality of potential capes, cloaks and hoods in the toys…

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Honestly, I just want hoods for my mocs.

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Pff, of course they have a part in the new Bionicle. Its just a freaking hood, why is that such a big problem. There is literally nothing making hoods unavailable to exist in this new Gen, absolutely nothing. Anything that can be said against it are just excuses against hoods in general.

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I’m not saying it is a problem.
You are clearly very passionate about this issue and that is fine, I was just trying to contribute, maybe start a discussion.
But I guess if we are just going to sit here and say that there just should be, or shouldn’t be hoods in new sets, rather than have actual discussion, regarding capes, and cloaks, then there is a chance we would be breaking a fundamental rule o the boards.

Also, just a side note,

Bionicle might also want to get a cape, or cloak to go with it’s new hood…

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You basically didnt add anything to the discussion that wasnt previously added and then explained why its not correct. So please dont lecture others about rules if you dont follow them as well.

And this topic is about hoods, not capes and cloaks. so stick to that when we talk about what should be added first (and we already have cloaks and capes, hoods have never been added in any sets in non-plastic form, thats what we should discuss about why its not been done yet and how it should be done and in what way and in what sets).


Would you like me to flag everything in this topic that doesn’t follow the rules, because this post is also adding nothing new.

But no cloth capes have been seen in Bionicle G2, and I’m sorry if someone already brought this up, but I thought I’d point it out…

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Just cause you didnt see something directly, that doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Like oh my god, its a freaking hood, a civilization that already has a hand in making cloaks has also the ability to make a hood, just put freaking cloth at the top of your head and boom, already half way to a hood. And given that they have things such as rain and snow, hoods would be needed for protection. Do you really think that the Okoto people are incapable of making such a simple type of clothing extension?

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Guys, guys. Please cut the tension.

Thank you.


Well, I guess I was wrong.

Still no hood, but a cloak none the less.
However, while this does work for the Protector of Fire, I’m not sure where else we would really see a set that needs a cloak, and or a hood.

Maybe if Makuta where to take the form of a villager?

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Well my brother had a poster like this

But it was all LIIIIES! Like that was the main reason I got Kylo Ren

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Protector of Ice and Villagers of the region of ice (cause snow fall), Protector of Jungle and villagers from the jungle (cause rainfall), same for the region of water. Protector of Stone and villagers (sand storms)…do I need to add more reasons for why they would be used for atmospheric reasons. All of them have the capacity to wear clothing, now do they do it as much as it is “shown”, not really since we really didint see much dynamic weather happening on Okoto that would need a hood for that day and that specific time when the story was told.


Yes we only seen Protectors use clothing, that doesnt mean others dont as well. For such small amount of lore we got for this gen, thats basically a given in terms of worldbuilding (we need to fill in the gaps because they didnt).


They cover more on the front than capes.
That’s what I was saying.

They still wouldn’t cover much fro the front, but more than capes.

No capes.


I actually meant more about how the Protectore of Fire was an older, wiser character.
Also with the weather, do bio-mechanical beings, such as these need to be protected form the elements?

With dont have that confirmed, all we can do is speculate ether way since the writers did very little to fill in the lore gaps within the story. Story gaps can be okay, setting gaps are not and lead to much wider speculations.

Maybe rubber hoods could work?

Perhaps, but they’d feel limited. Unless they were really pliable rubber, it would only be a cloak in one shape, which kills the creativity.

They can make small shapes out of flexible rubber, that can be clicked together to create various items. From hoods and capes on constraction figures, to treads and tires for system/technic. It can come as a separate optional set, so it doesn’t interfere with the price of sets that would normally use a cloth cape or other things.