I made Some horrible artwork of the Dawn of A New Age Transformers artworks.
Gundam Is Nova, Hayden is Seraphicon, Mechagodzilla is Maximus,
the small robot is Razor,Oryx is Kitai, Xol is from Kitais visions.
Which one’s Hayden?
This looks great. But one part to improve on would be to experiment with light sources and lighting. That will help make the characters stand out and the details pop.
Love it, amigo.
This is beautiful.
Thank You.
Nice! That’s actually how I imagine Razor scaling with the rest.
Point was to have less lighting.
You certainly accomplished that. I presume you intended to hide much of Kitai and the thing in the background?
Then job well done, Olisi.
Thankee. There will be more.
Hmmm, I do know a page where one could get a Nova Prime (the inspiration for the Angelicons, visually) animatable model on GMod. Correction, the page has the model for SFM.
I made more.
Lighting Disabled Version:
The red Gundam is Axis, the Tekken soldier is firestorm, the white and purple Gundam is Nova, the van is Oreo, Razor is the robot, Maximus is the MechaGodzilla,the nova prime model is Seraphicon, Oryx is Kitai, and Xol is from his visions.
@DuneToa @Chromeharpoon @ValkyriePrimal @BlackBeltGamer98
Those look epic. Love the way the arm illuminates Kitai’s face.
Nice work! The lighting is really cool!
Great stuff! What’s the Ark supposed to represent, if anything?
The character model they picked for Firestorm is reminding me of Russian Badger’s Earth Defense Force video; the Fencer section in particular because he used that model to represent the class. Quite fitting given the sheer power both wield.
Just to look cool. And i guess, supposed to represent the excalibur.