Hour of Heroes - Signups (OOC Topic)

Seems fine to me


Your choice to have the revolver being unreloadable is… Well, lemme know when Sun Spot’s funeral is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sun Spot Approved.[quote=“TheMOCingbird, post:3, topic:48387”]

Bracer Re-Approved. Thanks for the edits; it all looks good now.[quote=“Traykar, post:19, topic:48387”]
-1: High Powered Jetpack
-2: Heavy Armor
-3: Null and void

As long as the third slot is reasonable enough, I won’t restrict it here. [quote=“Samtastictogo, post:20, topic:48387”]
Scanner has the ability to see through walls upon activation of his xray vision. This can detect heat signatures. In the case that any ice-based villains should arise, Scanner would not be able to detect them, or if any villain should be able to cancel out their heat signature. He also can’t see through some metals, especially dense ones. This power has to he activated and has a recharge rate of five turns.

Note that I’m counting this and the Akaku as an interesting coincidence, everyone, and if someone snatches his mask later on they won’t get any x-ray vision abilities.

Also, Samtastictogo, with the whole heat detection thing… If he were to come across an opponent advanced enough, with no components producing heat, they would also be rendered invisible. You don’t have to put that in his bio, I just thought I’d mention it.[quote=“Samtastictogo, post:20, topic:48387”]

Scanner Approved.


I don’t remember a ton of stuff from Hero Factory, but that should change over time.

Name: Joseph Blackburn

Alias: Umbra

Gender: Male

Appearance: Umbra is an average looking hero, with mostly black armor and some green. He has green eyes and wears a helmet that looks similar to Onua Uniter’s mask.

Umbra wears a gauntlet on his right arm most of the time, allowing him to punch a bit harder with that arm. He also carries a rifle on his back, although he doesn’t always use it. He has a gauntlet for his left arm as well, he just doesn’t wear it all the time.
Umbra can temporarily become partially invisible, although this only works in dark environments, making it effective during nighttime.

Personality/Weaknesses: Umbra is pretty friendly to most of his fellow heroes, with a few exceptions. He’s not the strongest, but he makes up for it with his intellect, even though he’s not a genius or anything of the sort.

Bio: Umbra hasn’t been a hero for a long time, only being one for about 3 years. He prefers to spend time with his team, but if he has to be around heroes from other teams he doesn’t mind. Umbra is useful in stealth missions due to his partial invisibility, even though he hates going on them.

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Question; with the first batch of heroes, do we want to put them all on the same hero team, or at least designate teams that they’re on?

I had no idea Earth is cannon here.

Name: Michael Vladin
Gender: Male

I can’t believe that I am using my Toa self-moc in a Hero Factory rp

  • Regular steel sword. Vladin is quite a skilled sword fighter, although definitely not the best.
  • Plasma blaster, able to shot one shot at the time. It is slower than the other weapons the heroes are equipped with, but it is strong enough to make wholes into steel plating.
  • Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings able to make him levitate for about ten minutes before a cooldown of up to three minutes.
    Personality/Weaknesses: Vladin is a kind hero. Since the day he was built, he always thought that his main and most important duty was to protect the ones that need to be helped. His biggest dream is to participate at a big mission and to help catch a powerful, dangerous villain, or even catch the villain all by himself. He is funny, likes to socialize, and would hang out with his friends if there is no important mission.
    Since he is still a young hero, he would be commonly nicknamed as ‘rookie’. He has talent at sword fighting, and knows a few fighting moves, but he would be quickly overpowered by a villain that would be out of his league, like Von Nebula’s gang.
    Bio: Vladin was built fairly recently. He would have the age of a young adult. Sometimes he is chosen to guard the prison of the Hero Factory (the one from Breakout). When he isn’t hanging out with his friends or in missions, you would find him either in front of the TV watching a movie, or in the great library/database of the Factory, studying about villains that were never caught or cases that were never closed.

A little cheesy character that would remind you a lot of Furno, I know, but eh.

Name: Steeljaw (definetely not stealing a Transformers name)
Alias: The Jawblade wannabe
Gender: Male

Differences: All the shades of red are replaced by shades of green.

  • Magma Blades able to shot hot plasma, cut through weaker metals, and form Light Saber-like blades
  • He can breathe on both land and underwater
    Personality: As his nickname is, he is a huge fanboy of Jawblade. Being a part of his species (“I am Scyllan! He is a Scyllan! Oh boy, we would be the perfect partners!”) makes him believe that he can become as good of a villain as his hero. However, it is clearly not the case. To the point of the rp, he never won a single battle. He is actually lucky that he was never caught. Every villain know him as that guy who you can hire for only a few bucks to move your illegal weapons from the dealer to your warehouse. He is also a little cowardly. However, this is not going to stop him from trying, even if this would make a bigger fool out of himself.
    Bio: He was a Scyllan that left his home planet and his family to try to became a successful villain like Jawblade. This happened around the time of the events of Rise of Rookies.

Yes, my god.

Excuse me it seems that you forgot the “H”

Also, if I may, it seems that Vladin and Steeljaw are both a bit too derivative. Like, I would honestly just suggest using Furno as your character instead, I mean he isn’t taken. Hope that doesn’t come across as harsh or anything


I am pretty sure that regular players are not allowed to play cannon characters.
Vladin is just suffering the Furno Syndrome, because… Well… When I built it four years ago I didn’t take in consideration how much he is looking like Furno.
While Steeljaw… Well… He is part of Jawblade’s species, so he has to look similar to Jawblade.

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Umbra Approved.[quote=“Samtastictogo, post:24, topic:48387, full:true”]
Question; with the first batch of heroes, do we want to put them all on the same hero team, or at least designate teams that they’re on?

Unless it’s otherwise specified, I’ll probably mix and match at least for a little while.[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:25, topic:48387”]
Sword, plasma blaster, fighting skills

This simply won’t do. I need to know a bit more about the plasma blaster, and “fighting skills” is far too generic for me to understand what that’s supposed to mean.[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:25, topic:48387”]
Two of those blasters, can leave on land and underwater

Same here. What are “Those blasters” and would he mind trying the cake before he leaves?[quote=“Samtastictogo, post:26, topic:48387”]
I would honestly just suggest using Furno as your character instead, I mean he isn’t taken.

No Canon characters allowed for play. That just leads into too many complications.


He has a plasma blaster of a design similar to the ones the 4.0 heroes were equipped with. Fighting skills, meaning sword fighting and basic fighting moves.

  1. I don’t really know too much about those blasters, but I guess they aren’t too powerful. Seeing that they can be used underwater, I guess they were created by the Scyllans to protect themselves.
  2. This blaster autocorrector! I wanted to say breathe instead of leave.

To be sure, before creating a template, are villian characters allowed?

Then I can’t approve them, sorry. If you don’t know how something you’re using works, how can I know you’ll use it fairly?[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:29, topic:48387”]
Fighting skills, meaning sword fighting and basic fighting moves.

I wouldn’t consider basic fighting training to be a special ability, especially for a Hero.[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:29, topic:48387”]
He has a plasma blaster of a design similar to the ones the 4.0 heroes were equipped with.

So, in other words, you’re asking me to come up with the specifics? all right.

It can launch one blast at a time and takes a little while to recharge it. This blast, while slower than normal ammunition, has quite the kick to it and can blow a hole in steel plating.

Sound reasonable?[quote=“Ace, post:30, topic:48387, full:true”]
To be sure, before creating a template, are villian characters allowed?

One’s already been approved. Go for it.


Thank you for the clarification

Approved characters have been added to the approved characters dropdown.

Well they can shoot plasma blasts. How else you could use them?
Googleing them
Apparently, they are Magma Blades. Technically, they shoot hot beams of plasma. Pretty straight forward.

Then am I allowed to add one more weapon/ability?

I am sorry if I am not giving enough informations, but I thought everybody already know the basics of the HF weapons: sci-fi plasters who shot plasma or other types of munition (but mostly plasma).

You’re not answering my question. How do they work? Hot beams of plasma are the ammunition, do they have a recharge time, or do they work off of ammunition? considering they’re both one-handed weapons, do they have a serious amount of recoil?[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:34, topic:48387”]
Then am I allowed to add one more weapon/ability?

Yep.[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:34, topic:48387”]
I am sorry if I am not giving enough informations, but I thought everybody already know the basics of the HF weapons: sci-fi plasters who shot plasma or other types of munition (but mostly plasma).

Look, I’m not basing the entire physics of the RP world off of a two-minute clip on LEGO.com. I need specifics on how exactly a weapon works, a weapon with no specifics being approved would only lead to metagaming scenarios.

Name: Erwin striker
Alias: incinerapion
Gender: male
Without the apparatus

Full deployment

Jetpack mode

-1: scorpion apparatus ( a several limbed backpack that allows for swift mobility, with fire bladed claws, and a razor sharp stinger, this can fold into a jetpack, however it only allows for temporary flight, and extremely limits mobility)
-2: dual arm mounted flamethrowers
Erwin is extremely cocky, and won’t think about physical weakness (ice based weapons) and is extremely easy to enrage, especially is someone mentions his short stature. He’s also a coward, running the moment he felt he’s losing.
Never the sharpest tool in the shed, even after stepping off the assembly line, young Erwin didn’t take to following orders, eventually Even stabbing his team in the back and deserting hero factory, now a villian mercenary he built himself the apparatus through stolen tech and money earned from his jobs… and replaced his hands with flamethrowers, as he thought it’d be “cool” this has earned him a reputation of being a cheating brute, using civilian hostages and burning everything in his path.


Name: Proto-2
Alias: N/A
Gender: Male

(not the best pic, I know, but it works. Also, that isn’t a real hero core in his chest, just some random piece holding on the cape. Probably some different insignia or something)
-1: Crystal Fist: A large, rocket powered fist that is also really spiky. Other than just being a really good punchy and smashy tool, it can also detach from his arm and fly at an opponent, and rockets on it will propel it back to its resting place.
-2: Something that won’t come into play in this iteration of Proto-2. If you want, though, I can PM it to you.
Personality/Weaknesses: He’s a very prideful machine, thinking himself above the average person, and even above the heroes and the law. This pride can lead to bullheadedness as well, as it’s near impossible to change his mind once it’s set. Aside from that, he’s overall very rage filled and vengeful. For other weaknesses, they are mostly physical: despite his more regal looking outside, his frame below the cape is weak and rusty, specifically his limbs other than the Crystal Fist, and his AI is prone to glitches, such as temporary shutdowns and loss of personality except for prime directives.
Bio: Proto-2 was a prototype build of a robotic officer for a former organization that seemed to fill a similar function to Hero Factory in the past, but seemed to have vanished shortly after their arrival. Being a seemingly failed prototype for the lack of capability to follow orders from commanding officers, he was scrapped. However, through dumb luck, an error in programming, and a bolt of lightning catalysing the event, what remained of him on the junkyard planet was rebooted. Over the course of the next year(or so), he built himself up and fixed a small ship that he used to get off the planet and start going planet to planet, looking for the traitors who abandoned him, building up his regal appearance as he went. Eventually he’d find Hero Factory officers, who he’d mistake for the group his creators once were, and attack, looking in vain for his revenge.

Edited with requested changes.


Play fair with those dual flamethrowers, alright?

Incinerapion Approved.[quote=“Runa, post:37, topic:48387”]
Laser reflective cape.

Please specify.[quote=“Runa, post:37, topic:48387”]

I’ll need that info. I can’t approve something I don’t know anything about, this iteration or otherwise.

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Basically, it’s a cape that is made of a material that can reflect laser fire.

Note, not like plasma or actual bullets or anything, just lasers.

And just a sec, PMing now.

That I will

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