I have some fuzzy memories of the Toa Nuva and Visorak commercials, and got Pohatu Nuva as a gift, but my real first experience with BIONICLE wasn’t until '06. It was my 3rd grade Christmas party at school, and everyone was instructed to bring in a gift to put in the pile. My mom randomly bought Hewkii Inika and put it in a sack for me to take. Once at school, out gifts were given random numbers and put into a collective pile. We all drew our numbers, and coincidentally I got the number of my present I had brought. By then I had a inkling of an idea of what BIONICLE was because of the Move Along commercial (chain link fences FTW), and so while I had a classmate build Hewkii for me, I just saw the commercial in my head.
With Christmas drawing closer, I asked my grandparents for BIONICLE stuff. I wasn’t really specific, so I had no idea what I would get. On Christmas morning I received three new items- BIONICLE Heroes for the GBA, Matoro Inika, and the final '06 book: Inferno. I ate it all up. Matoro was quickly constructed, Heroes was begun, and I quickly read through Inferno. Around this time I also went to the website and started to play the games and get to understand the story. It didn’t take long to get hooks in me.
Then in early 2007, the Winter 2007 LEGO catalog arrived at my grandparents house, and what image was I met with? The Barraki. From then on, I was completely in. I got Kalamah, Takadox, and Ehlek, and five of the six Toa Mahri (Hewkii was the only one I never got). I researched the story, watched the movies, and started buying older sets off of eBay. Around the same time my friends got into BIONICLE as well, and it quickly became our obsession.
Besides Star Wars of course.