How do you paint masks?

(May need to be moved)

I’m wondering if I should pick up some extra masks on bricklink for the purpose of painting them. What paint do you use to paint masks? Does the mask color matter? What paint colors are closest to bionicle colors? Should I dye them instead?

I have many questions.


For painting designs I typically use Gundam markers, as they are used to paint but easier to control than a brush.

That may just be me though.

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Well, I was planning to do just one color, so control isn’t an issue.

Alright, then I’d recommend spray paint.

Do you have any experience with it?

not really, last time I tried to spray paint something, It ended up all bumpy.

Alright, I’d recommend looking up some kind of tutorial video for it.

Here’s a bunch of tutorials on mask painting by ModaltMasks/MrCod.

and one from Vaal’s Forge and Foundry


Thanks, I’ll check out those links, do you know if acrylics would work on masks?

They should; Modalt uses Citadel paints; those are acrylic. Just give them a clearcoat on top when you’re done.

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It’s a top layer of a colorless substance that helps keep the paint adhered.

I use citadel model paint because that’s what I had to use.
They don’t grip too well, but can look good with several coats.



Dip the mask in a small cup of paint


a Brush

I recommend spraypaint.

Also know that the more harder plastic masks of 2002 and 2015-20016 will stick better while more soft masks like all the years of the above wont stick well.

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Here’s how I paint my masks.

I don’t.

Don’t need to and never will.


if im going to paint a mask i first make a resin copy using automotive resin, after that i clean it up so it looks like the original almost flawlessly then i just use auto spray-paint since its made for spraying on resin

2002? You mean the nuva masks? I was planning to paint a 2004 metru mask.

Well I meant 2001-2003 my bad.

If you’re doing just one color spray paint should work just fine. Just make sure you don’t get rustoleum or other paints meant for outdoor metal/plastic jobs, they tend to be very thick and can obscure detail on something as small as a mask.