How would you wear your mask?

My mask would be my face. I really like the way it was in the first two movies.


it depends,
just how human are we talking?

if I was a matoran just have it on my face,
if I were human, definitely have a rider armor spawn.


Well, that’s easy.

I’d casually bring the mask near to my face, and scream in agony as it latches on to my face; symbiotically re-writing my DNA, and transforming me into the all awesome: Fierce Diety Waj! :stuck_out_tongue:.


I’d wear it like a scarf!

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take off my human head and put on a mata head and boom i am wearing my mask!

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I’d want the sliding mouth guard. I’ve always thought they looked cool.

And that’s what Gresh has! /s

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Sliding mouth guard. It was my favorite part of Legend Reborn. As for armour, I would have a Cloak that turns into a suit of armour.

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