HowTo: MOC Tutorials

A bulky chest thank you

@Collector I will show you.

@Gwideon How post my moc

@Matt I know how

  1. List item

Edited for Triple Post - Slime
Hello MasonNuva! Seems like you’re new around here. I’d give this topic and this topic a read before you go much further. :slight_smile:

How about instead of a MOC howto, a howto on getting a really nice blank white background for a professionalized look?

If this is unacceptable, let me know and I will remove this post. (Can I make this image bigger somehow so people don’t have to click on it to read it?)


So here are some instructions for a waist function that I made

I hope you found this useful and if you use it in a moc please give me credit for the waist :smile:
Also I just noticed that the photos are a bit mixed up sorry about that :P, I hope you can still figure them out


Ok so I don’t claim to be good at building mocs, I just cobble bits together and hope it looks good, which usually results in poor articulation so I wanted to show off something I tried in order to get some well articulated shoulders, here’s how it went.

The ball joints actually hold together far better then I thought they would and the axles only come out under a good amount of stress.

I did finish the build but it came out looking like a familiar face rather then something new. so I wasn’t sure I should post it


Does anyone have a custom sword design that does not have to many G1 parts?

G1 as in Technic, or as in G1 bionicle parts? also, what size sword do you want?

G1 as in Bionicle parts. I have plenty of Technic. I need two katana type swords. So slightly bigger than G2 Tahu’s gold swords.

Well, here’s what I threw together in five minutes. You can adjust it, depending on the length of your longest flex tube. Also, change the colors if you need to.

Sorry about the focus in this picture. one of the 4/3 pegs is in the left hole in the L piece

Again, sorry about the focus

the second 4/3 stud is in the hole in the circle-cross connector at the top

And, here! The final product! I hope this meets your expectations.

You can bend the excess tube at the top of the sword.


Cool, but I uhh… Don’t have any flex tubing.

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well, I can’t help you :smile:

Bummer. I think I managed to make a decent looking one though.

Here’s a video i threw together of instructions for my pilot and mech moc. Are we allowed to post a topic about howto’s in the lego creations or just this post? Also the songs in the video are just a little nsfw and the picture quality is a little iffy.

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Does anyone have any examples of custom heads for G1 masks? Inika organics, Metru masks, Mata masks, nuva masks, etc.

All my stuff right now is pre-Mahri, so builds that use parts before then are preferred.

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umm… do you have any Mahri masks, or any masks with a 1.5 long mouth connector piece? you said pre-Mahri, but that could be ambiguous.

I have all the barraki, Nocturn, the mahri-toran (minus the karzahni ones), and Kongu Mahri. Anything else is before the Toa Mahri, where I have most of the sets after 2003.

So, assuming that 1.5 long means a mask that uses a visor, than no.

You can always use the Skull spiders as hands as in the topic here. shameless self advertising

Aren’t you suppose to be a master before you can advertise. :smile_cat:

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Hey i’m struggling on making a torso peice, could anyone give me a starting point or mabye a tutorial?


Yeah, sorry. :sweat_smile:

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