Does anyone have a good, small-ish torso which has a Kalmah foot as a chestplate?
Which one is that?
maxilos torso was good
@GIF.Man.Ben how many legs do you want on your dragon body?
Um two pairs of legs.
@GIF.Man.Ben here’s a wing design that I made. The way there made allows you to easily change the size to suit your needs.
Hopefully you’ll find these useful, I’m going to start on the body now.
Those will do just fine.
Oh I have two people doing the body for me. Groovy.
do you want a head as well?
Two people have already made a couple for me already. But the more I see. The more I can make my own by combining the designs.
Ok so I am going to start working on the body and I assume you are going to use @Umarak 's wing design.
EDIT: okay so I finished the torso but I gotta admit it is not very undead looking anyway here yah go @GIF.Man.Ben
Is no one gonna give me legit help on a torso build?
I don’t think any on has good advice for one I personally have never made one with a Kaplan foot.
I’ll see what I can come up with
What are the length of those light grey pin pieces in the body?
They’re Size 5.
Thank you. I will use a size six then. so I can add some wings.
there length 5 axels
Yuh know I don’t think you should probably use @Umarak 's torso. I’m looks way better than mine.