Hubble Telescope spots... Spherus Magna?

But, you have to admit that Pokemon is more of a Cultural Icon than BIONICLE. I think it would be a massive Ween for the Community, though.


That is true, though my point is that Bionicle fans might as well make an attempt. Sure, it probably will fail. But hey, at least we tried right?


Yah. Even if we tried, it would go down in BIONICLE History.

I only see Raanu’s shield

Is it really that big of a deal if we try to get one nebula named after something after all there are at least a thousand more that nasa can give boring names to.


It would kind of be a detriment or stain on the legacy of Bionicle… the only thing that fans actually put there effort towards is naming a galaxy that doesn’t even resemble anything in Bionicle (as demonstrated in other posts I’ve made)

It reeks of the bad side of Bionicle, that people have hyped something so much that they are ignoring the issues with it. If this was named after Spherus Magna’s solar system it would be an insult to the legacy of the original series, given it barely resembles what it would be named after. Those signing the petition clearly don’t remember what it actually looked like or care that they’d be tarnishing the idea.

Unless it looks exactly like this (3 planets, 2 large gas clouds), then don’t name it after the Bionicle solar system ¬.¬

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I would have to agree with you, but even trying to get its name changed would be remembered, for better or for worse.

Welp, I guess we can’t have a civil discussion in here. Mainly @Scarilian, but also @LQ1998 need to take some time to cool down. Maybe eat a burrito or something.

Now go back to discussing this nebulae or whatever.


True, i just thought it would be better suited to something else. Its an awesome looking nebula but i just cant see it being associated with the Spherus Magna system due to all the stars. All it needs is three planets and some gas or just one planet surrounded by blue gas (after the reformation of the planets at the end of G1) :stuck_out_tongue:

Although, admittedly, it looks far more like Makuta’s constellation in G2


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Alternatively, Kulta’s head with two buff arms coming out of it. :stuck_out_tongue:


or you know, maybe the horns he already has.

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Note: The “Symbol” of G1 bionicle (which the Solis Magna System is modeled after) was created by Christian Faber, not Greg.

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As a astronomy/outer space lover, I am more than amused with this.

Do we have a higher res image or something suitable for desktop wallpaper?


I’m already using it as my IPod wallpaper, regardless. :stuck_out_tongue:

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There’s a petition on to rename it Solis Magna.


Here’s the link. Let’s all sign it and immortalize the Three Virtues in history :smiley:


personaly I think we should wait a few years and see if they find one that looks more like solis magna