Easily the most fragile build of mine, this is not exactly a model for a great range of poses.
The embodiment of the element hydrogen. The color scheme came from the range of colors of stars, Red to Yellow to Blue, which is represented by the color transition on the model. Since stars are made up of mostly hydrogen, where the vast majority of hydrogen in the universe is found and the reason stars can actually sustain themselves, it seemed like a pretty good fit. The two orbs can be either two stars or two hydrogen atoms or two protons. The fire/flame design for this came from not only the star motif but also the Hydrogen molecule being very flammable.
The model uses technic/bionicle pieces to make up most of it with a handful of system parts for extra detailing and add texture to the lower part.
This was made as an entry in a competition on the Bionicle subreddit.
Daaaaang dude, this looks freaking epic!
I love how all the colours just flow into each other going from red to gold to blue to purple.
My only complaint is that the blades on the back don’t look like they belong there.
This is amazing. I’ve seen very few builds that embody periodic table elements, but this is by far one of the best. It perfectly captures the nature of hydrogen.
Holy crap.
This. Is. AMAZING.
I love the color scheme, and it’s balanced so well, the torso uses the creature head in a good way, and over all this is just a great MOC.