If an Av-Matoran such as one turned into a shadow matoran for example like Radiak remained a shadow matoran could they transform into a Bohrok of Shadow eventually?
Interesing question, haven’t really thought about this one.
Depends if the lack of inner light prevents from achieving one’s destiny. I would guess the answer is no, therefore yes, they could transform. But I’m not sure it would result in a Bohrok of shadow as the Av-Matoran don’t turn into Bohrok of light either - at most, they would be normal Bohrok with possibly shadow powers too.
I’m pretty sure if a Toa of element other than light is drained of their inner light, they get shadow powers in addition to their usual element, rather then replacement scenario (Takanuva).
It honestly never made sense to me that it was Av Matoran turning into Bohrok, what’s the connection between a Matoran of LIGHT and any of the SIX breeds of Bohrok? It would’ve made so much more sense if it was matoran of the six main tribes, possibly broken matoran who are beyond even Karzahni’s “help” get repurposed as Bohrok? Idk, I just don’t get why it had to be Av Matoran.
Teridax removed his inner light and still achieved his destiny of piloting the GSR and helping to reform Spherus Magna, so presumably no.
It’s a question of whether or not inner light/shadow is lost in the transformation process, which I don’t think we have a way to know for certain.
My headcanon is all Matoran are created as Matoran of light and then get an elemental preset baked in. Av-Matoran are the malleable standard; it’s easier to go from an Av-Matoran to something else than it is for a Matoran of a given element to turn into a Bohrok.
Although it does raise the question on whether or not the GSR would begin pulling from other Matoran populations if the supply of Av-Matoran ever ran out…
Good point.
I think we do know actually. I don’t have all the quotes on hand, but in my past venture into the questions about inner moral light/darkness, it seemed that they are linked to the level of sapience a being has.
“Level 0” (Rahi) don’t have the inner balance at all.
“Level 1” (sapient beings pre-Velika update) have it.
“Level 2” (sapient beings post-Velika update) have it.
It is mentioned that if a “level 2” being loses all of their inner light and shadow, they would be mentally reduced to a level of Rahi, loosing their identity.
Since Bohrok are just robot bodies, they are either at, or even below Rahi level and likely lost the balance they had as Av-Matoran.
When krana come into play, it becomes more interesting - they form a hivemind across the swarm. Bahrag seem to be at “level 1” but I doubt any inner balance transfers to each and every Bohrok just via telepathy.