So recently me and @Eilrach were going through the routine of sitting on the floor building bionicles from a bulk lot whilst watching stop motions when Eilrach spotted something. He got a screen grab of Matoro’s feet and we realised we have ignika feet just like that-in fact those feet were from a complete Mataro who had clay plastered in several spots.
At the time we first got Mataro we didn’t think anything of the clay so we pulled him a apart, but I’ve gathered up as many of the pieces that I can positively identify as having black and red clay.
So what do you guys think? Could it be the real thing?
I’m thinking of contacting the original creator to find out what they did with the original and see if there’s a chance it could have ended up in a bulk like the one we found it in.
While it may be the real thing, I think it there’s also a chance it may be a product of someone trying to replicate th matoro from Fall of Virtues. Either way, it’s neat find.
Didn’t expect to see something like this today, I think Spidey’s fairly active on YouTube, try leaving a comment asking him if he gave it away or sold it.