Exactly what it says on the tin. I’m thinking about making a self-MOC, but I don’t really know where to start. I’m not even sure what mask I want to have! So, I was wondering what general things y’all might expect to see in a self-MOC of yours truly. Any input would be much appreciated!
Try to make it very original. Color scheme that you like and that isn’t bland (please no black-and-silver selfMOCs). For mask, you should make it something that isn’t incredibly rare, so that people that want to make their own versions of the MOC are able to. I personally didn’t use a Kanohi, but a head construct that’s made of common-ish parts.
These sound like some good guidelines. I shall take them into account. Thanks!
For a mask, like Hawkfilght said, make it not too rare, but also don’t use the standard huna or hau or ignika or avhokii… you get what I mean right?
I love it when somebody uses a mask like a white pakari or a white kakama. One of the original masks in a different color, some of those look bad***. (See the noble ruru in almost any color.)
The masks give personality to the MoC as they are the only real “facial features” that BIONICLEs have, so there is actually a fair bit of pressure on mask-picking. Not to scare you or anything, but if you don’t have the proper mask on, the build can really fall apart.
Yeah, that makes sense. The mask can add a lot of individuality. I might go with a Noble Mahiki…I think the expression looks kind of like my avatar. xD
Or a silver Kakama, like a boss. 8D
Honestly, I would choose something along the lines of a color scheme reflective of yourself, like if it’s an elemental, make said element something you associate with. And then based on In-Universe guidelines, colors should be fairly easy.
If not an elemental, then I dunno, Hawkflight had some pretty sound advice.
I myself, am not a fan of self mocs. The ones I’ve seen aren’t really interesting and I feel that people should not be restricted and obligate to create one for the sake of having one. If you like a moc, then use it. I suggest being SUPER original when it come to the moc. Use a completely new design and create a custom face.
I like custom faces because they are what makes you you and its suppose to make people go “whoa, I’ve never seen that!”. I try to have a custom design so others can’t duplicate it. this is my preference and opinion and you can take my advice or not. It doesn’t really matter in the end. just create something that represents you that you love!
Like @Awesomenessborn, I think self-MOCs are overrated, generic, and generally not actually like the person who built it. I have something called a flagship MOC. A flagship MOC is your most popular character, often your self-MOC, but they don’t have to be. My flagship MOC is a female, while I am not.
Great advice, everyone!
@Nyran It’ll probably be ice-based. The ice characters are usually my favs.
@Awesomenessborn That’s probably true. Actually, I have this kind of odd one sitting around that I like a lot…I hadn’t thought about it, but it might work for a self-moc. Those are some really neat MOCs btw. I see what you mean about the faces.
@LoganDub Interesting. That’s a really neat idea, except I haven’t made a MOC in years (got tired of joints breaking post-06). Still, if I do start again in earnest, I like this idea.
As per the previous comments, I do find that Self-MOCs usually aren’t all that much like the people who made it. With my two Self-MOCs from different story lines, I’ve tried to make them as close to me as possible story wise. I think that one thing that really shapes a character is what surrounds and limits them, and so I took what surrounds a limits me: I live in an area with no people who are even remotely interesting in what I do, aside from my best friend, although he’s not a BIONICLE fan, just enjoys looking and hearing about my MOCs. So, I took that into account and started the base of my character’s personality and environment around that. Ekorak’s story starts with him being trapped in a pocket universe called the Silver Peaks Antiworld. He’s the Lone Guardian of the Silver Peaks, meaning it’s his job to protect the banished village of Anti-Koro. While this obviously isn’t what I do in real life, it’s similar enough for me, and it is my Self-MOC after all.
As for my other Self-MOC, Rai…well to start I’d like to note that Rai wasn’t a full on MOC. Most people on the forums like him, but on sites with higher standards, such as MOCpages, he wouldn’t be a very popular MOC. He’s got a Rahkshi head, too, meaning that a LOT of people are going to hate him a bit extra. But, I had reasons. Within his non-BIONICLE related story, he’s a military cyborg that broke free of his programming on a work with a corrupt government. This also is somewhat similar to my real life situation, as you generally don’t make many friends if you look like a member of the military in the middle of a city that despises the army because they not only are the hand of a corrupt dictatorship, but also due to the fact that many of the members of the army were once their friends and relatives, turned into cyborgs and under the force of programming.
Of course it isn’t actually THAT hard to make friends, it’s just that none of them like anything close to what I do
Also, this is a massive recommendation. DON’T USE A RAHKSHI HEAD. PEOPLE HATE EM. I used one on Rai because I had a Self-MOC with a custom head to start with, and I also had to use a head that I could use and reuse on characters with different color schemes that looked better than most Kanohi that came in different colors (and was cheaper, as I’d have to order them online) and was cheaper parts-wise than custom heads. Thus, I used a Rahkshi head.
If possible, add a Fez or Bowtie.
Seeing as they’re cool and all.
Always break the color scheme.
But use colors that would compliment each other.
@Ekorak Thanks for the well-thought-out comment! It definitely makes sense to take your own personality into account in a self-MOC. And I’ll stay away from Rahkshi heads!
@Marendex_T17 I have an idea for a bow tie. Still trying to figure out the fez, though.
@LelouchViBritannia So I should use navy blue, black, and puce? xD (Thank goodness they don’t actually make puce Lego pieces.)
I do have a few color ideas. You said you like Ice characters, right? Well, how about regular white, dark blue, and translucent light blue highlights? Tell you what, I’m on a short trip right now, but when I get home, I’ll put together a few color tests and design ideas for you, and see how you like em.
Thanks, man! You’re officially awesome.
Actually, it’s also pretty convenient for me too. I’ve been meaning to try a female Ice Glatorian for a while now and this is the perfect chance to try out some designs while helping some other people out
Haha, two birds with one stone. Good deal.
Hey, no pressure or anything, but are you still thinking of doing this? It’s fine if not.
Sorry about the wait on it. I’ve been at a stand still trying to come up with a thigh design
I’ll try to get it up soon
Cool. Take your time.