If Lego Lord of the Rings were to return....

I looked to check if there was a pre-existing topic, and I didn’t find one, so I’m making this.

If Lord of the Rings were to reboot as a Lego theme, what sets would you like to see or to see again?

Ones I’d really like to see done would include the Haradrim Oliphaunt, Grond (Wolf’s Head), Amon Hen, and Cirith Ungol. What would you guys want? What minifigs would you like?


Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith, Bree, the bridge of Khazad-Dum w/ a brick-built Balrog, a set with Ents, and basically everything that wasn’t already made. As for the minifigures, we need The Witch King of Angmar, Éowyn, Denethor, generic Gondor soldiers. Aragorn as the king of Gondor and Arnor and Merry and Pippin in their Rohan and Gondor armour.


Definitely! (Forgot to mention Balrog)

Also need a set with Eowyn, Merry, and the Witch King, and you build the unnamed dragon that wasn’t even named in the books as far as I’m aware.


we need a balrog, more hobbits, more orcs, more aragorn, more gandalf, more ents…
and I would want to see more helm’s dike and helm’s deep sets, as well as more gondor.

and maybe something based off of the mmo game LOTRO, as well.


Edoras and the grey havens sets would be cool.


Minas Morgul, Khazad-Dum, and Minas Tirith!

Would love to see figures for The Witch King and Sauron!



especially the witch king in his nazgul form. with that sick helmet.


Being a diehard LEGO LOTR fan, having LEGO reboot the theme would be amazing and maybe possible with Amazon’s TV series. My goal is to become a LEGO set designer and working on this theme would be a dream come true.

I would like to see:

  1. Barad Dur (my white whale. I have a WIP MOC that I am very proud of so far)
  2. Minas Tirith
  3. The Balrog Battle
  4. Witch King vs Eowyn
  5. Rivendell
  6. Minas Morgul
  7. The Tower of Orthanc
  8. Helm’s Deep
  9. Bag End
  10. Weathertop
  11. Oliphaunt
  12. Lothlorien
  13. Cave Troll Battle
  14. Edoras
  15. Destroying of the Ring
  16. Treebeard
  17. Shelob
  18. Cirith Ungol
  19. The Black Gate
  20. Prancing Pony
  21. Amon Hen
  22. The Argonath
  23. Army Builders
  24. CMF LOTR Series 1 & 2 (if we were realistically looking at fewer sets)

I think that covers everything :stuck_out_tongue:


I want all of those so badly, I will come up with price ranges, minifigs, list of contents and functions, and little quips about them.

That is, if I don’t quit halfway.


We got Aragon as a king though, in the black gate set didn’t we?

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Sort of, we got him in Gondor armor like in the battle, but not in full silver armor with crown. I have the set, one of my favorites.


Visual aid:

Gondorian Armor

King Gondorian Armor

I would be up to helping with this if you are interested.


Sure! A few ideas ideas I’ve had so far is that the first wave, based off of the Fellowship of the Ring, would each contain at least one member of the Fellowship, so you can get them all to have each character, or just buy the ones with your favorites.

I was thinking “Ambush at Amon Hen” would be the cheapest, including some scenery. It would come with Boromir, Lurtz (in battle armor, a minifig I need), an Uruk-Hai, and either another orc or Merry or Pippin.


I was also thinking along the lines that waves could be divided by film. I would say that certain members will have to be together but splitting them up like LEGO did in their first wave sounds very realistic.

I could see the “Ambush at Amon Hen” being at the $20-30 range if the “seeing seat” was included but it doesn’t quite sound like that is what you are envisioning.
Here is a rough model I made in 2016:


I’d say that’s maybe too many “fellows” in one set…


I would have to agree with you on that but I posted this more for the idea of the build concept. Is this kind of what you had in mind of were you imagining something smaller?

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Depends on the other sets. What I had in mind was smaller, but I like your idea a lot too. We should look at maybe six sets each movie, and then any waves after that would be spread throughout. So, Amon Hen, Balrog, and Bag’s End are musts. That leaves three more.


Weathertop, Rivendell, and the Cave Troll Battle could be the other three (I was thinking the Prancing Pony but realized it is a bar and therefore not something LEGO would do). Out of the these choices, I would agree that Amon Hen is the least iconic and could be scaled back.

  • Ambush at Amon Hen (~$15-20)
  • Weathertop (~$30-40)
  • Cave Troll Encounter (~$50-60)
  • The Balrog Battle (~$70-80)
  • Bag End (~$90-100)
  • Rivendell (~$120-130) (or possibly a D2C/UCS)

There should be some non Canon sets too, like carn dum, as well as some sets from the misty mountains and bree.

One set (or a few) i would like to see is the narrow downs and the old forest.


Didn’t we already get a massive Orthanc?