The Toa Inika featured those funky organic masks: the Calix, Suletu, Elda, Sanok, Kadin, and Iden. If they were destroyed or killed, would they be revived on the Red Star due to their sentience? If so, would they be placed into another organic Kanohi body, or would they be given an animal form?
First of all, if they were to be revived, they would not be placed in a different body to the one they died in. Secondly, though, sentience is not sapience. Rahi are also aware and they are not revived on the Red Star. I think it follows from that that organic Kanohi would probably also not get revived. In addition to this, their state of existence sort of precludes a death that can have them be revived. For someone to be revived on the Red Star, their brain must be intact long enough for their personality to be downloaded - I don’t think these Kanohi have brains, and I can’t think of any way to kill them other than outright destroying them, which has been shown to prevent revival on the Red Star (since the brain was destroyed).
We’re they actually even sentient, let alone sapient? I could very well be wrong, but I remember them being described only as organic, not as sentient. Muscle tissue is organic, but lacks sentience and certainly sapience.
Yes Styrofoam, they are sentient. Sapient, probably not??? They’re more primitive than Krana in terms of intelligence.
Seeing as Krana are not revived, neither are Zyglak due to the Red Star not having been programmed to do so, I highly doubt the masks are, but that’s speculative.
No, the masks would not be revived.