I'm sorry CCBS

When I first saw you in Hero Factory I hated you. I was afraid that the Bionicle systems I liked were going away and I was determined to dislike its successor. Your slopes were too smooth, you had no machinery, you looked too simple to be a part of my deliciously over-complicated and over-engineered Bionicle part design. I despised you because you were different. I was young and foolish.

Now that I am older and returning to Bionicle I realize I was wrong.

Your parts are cool. You offer shapes we could never make with traditional technic and the things people do with you are amazing. You were the future and I was afraid of the future and refused to even give you a chance, and now that I have and understand what you do and what you offer I am sorry.
I am sorry for disliking you, I am sorry for dismissing you, I am sorry for feeling so betrayed by you even when you tried so hard to impress me. You are Lego. You are a part of Bionicle and belong in our library of parts.

  • Me

I’m sorry Ray, CCBS has already moved on.


I can say I was in the same boat. Wish I had given some support, maybe Bionicle could have lived more. But I was also ay an age not to be buying legos anyways due to financial tightness… oh well


I regret not buying more HF vehicles… Furno’s Bike is an epic set.


Well put my friend, well put.


It takes a big man or we could say a big person, to admit they were wrong. I’m proud of you for saying what you have and your letter to CCBS is beautiful in a way. I honestly think everyone (myself included) has mellowed somewhat, even in very recent years.

The climate of the fandom now, as opposed to 2015, 2012 or heck 2021 is completely different, in the stages of loss graph, we’re much closer to being at peace and excepting the situation and thus making the best of it.

If Lego was somehow to do G3 in a few years, I think the more mature fan base would handle it better than last time and maybe the folks at Lego too would read better what the basic concept of Bionicle can be.


CCBS started seeing someone else.