Imperial Ground Forces

Just a few mocs I made with a Hoth AT-ST and two Imperial armored marauders

The first build is a simple speeder bike made from leftover pieces.

The second is a bit of a step up from that, being a small dropship in the vein of the old battle pack sets.

Finally is the main build I started off with, something I call the All Terrain Weapons Platform. A large walker meant to act as a bridge between the AT-AT, being more nimble and speedy than an AT-AT, and better armed and armored than an AT-ST, even if it was slower and more cumbersome. The walker’s armament boasted a powerful chin mounted beam weapon, along with several launchers adjacent to the head.


The design for the walker looks very Imperial. The side bits on the side of the head even remind me of a TIE fighter.

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*Imperial March Starts Playing *

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ooh these look pretty cool! They definitely would fit among the other Imperial vehicles.

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it looks like something from lego star wars
which is really all i can say because i don’t really know much about Star Wars :sweat: