"In Karzahni, _"

In Karzahni, Sidorak matters.

In Karzahni, Mahi herd you.

In Karzahni, you have to be a Toa to be a hero.

…Wait a minute…

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In Karzahni, the great being didn’t establish racism

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In Karzahni, love is canon. :upside_down_face:

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In Karzahni great spirit is pronounced ‘Nui Mata’.
In Karzahni Bionicle replaced Hero Factory. Wait
In Karzahni, Karzahni actually does something relevant to the plot…

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In Karzahni, the masks wear you.


excuse you.

Also, welcome to the boards.

In Karzahni, new users greet Winger.


In Karzahni, new topics get revived.

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In Karzahni, Makuta Fish use your bones for a weapon.

In Karzahni, topics create new people.

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In Karzahni, topics have to revive me.

in Karzahni,
smurfs come to your house at night.

In karzahni I impersonate @GoodGuy2006

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in karzahni, the piraka rap thinks you are the greatest musical number of all time

In Karzahni, Artakha breaks things.

i wouldn’t be surprised if Artakha would actually do that
just to bully his lil’ bro

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nah Artakha’s busy in his own island
In Karzahni, I annoy my classmates.

in karzahni, shrek is very hospitable and loves guests.

In Karzahni, we’ll find a way, separate.

Cause in Karzahni, that’s what friends do.

in karzahni, vezon is a psychiatrist.

I can imagine this :laughing: