I went and made my own designs for a great suletu after seeing a karzahni moc. I thought the mask worked better in multi color.
Here are recolors for Krakua’s suletu.
I’ll probably do the others next if I have the energy.
I went and made my own designs for a great suletu after seeing a karzahni moc. I thought the mask worked better in multi color.
Here are recolors for Krakua’s suletu.
I’ll probably do the others next if I have the energy.
The third design is really clean, secondary colors are easy to see but don’t take over.
Zip! Straight into my head canon!
Ooo, I like this a lot. I’m glad I’m not the only one who head-canoned that the inorganic version of the mask was just all of the armored parts made symmetrical, and it looks really good actually seeing it done. Dunno if I like the second or third version better, but good call on including secondary colors.
Did someone say head canon
Love these so much, keep up the great work
Very nice
Edit: Someone needs to show @BobTheDoctor27 these
The third feel right to me (I think the fifth is the same design?)
I’ve like to see a 3D model that uses this slightly more angular approach.
It also looks kinda Crash Bandicoot-esque!
The fifth one is the same as the third. As I said in the post, they were recolored to match Krakua’s armor.
I love Krakua’s suletu is gray and black!
this is almost no-relation to this topic, but please let me an ask.
I heared Suletu’s asymetry is “standard”, but many “inorganic” Suletu are symetry(example, the Suletus in Shapeways)
is this apperance just “the most popular by many fans”?
or Greg said inorganic Suletu has a symmetry shape?
This doesn’t include any Criticism to this Great skecth.
but this thoght had dominated me in few years.
I’m glad if someone answred me, who wise with BIONICLE-knowledge!
The real reason behind the design is probably just fan preference, although Greg has also confirmed it:
Thank you @TheJerminator!
I read this as “If you think so, it is may so” . and this is the reason many “inorganic Sluetu” has symmetry shape, right?
I read this as “If you think so, it is may so”
The first quote is more open-ended, but the second one seems to directly state that Kongu’s mask is half-and-half because it was underground.
I see, thankyou friend!
and nice art, @KanohiReqi!
NGL, I’m tempted to adapt your design to 3D, or at least borrow ideas from it (namely the inverted Y shape, and that chin).
Go ahead, I already commissioned Galva for my Kadin mask
I know it’s been a year, but I haven’t forgotten about your kanohi… I just haven’t had time to make it… yeah…
Thank you so much. I forgot about this place but its good to be back. Also forgot to share the mask Galva made for my noble Kadin
Love the very ancient and heterodox take.
Looks like something Arthaka might have personally forged.
I mean it would be well deserved for Jovan