Hello. I could not find a similar topic so I decided to make my own.
We all know that that pretty much everyone in MU saw Mata Nui as a god and thier guardian but what if they had a chance to interact with him in his Glatorian form?
For example, an alternative outcome of a final battle with Teridax, Prototype Robot gets destroyed and Mata Nui is forced back into his “toa” form and decided to takedown Teridax from within by invading the GRS in some way…
How would interaction betwern Mata Nui and his former “cells” would look like?
honestly that is an interesting idea!
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He’d be worshipped like a god. Even the Turaga would trip over themselves trying to help him.
Which would make him super uncomfortable I guess.
I mean begin see as a god when you have a planet size, robotic body makes sense but when you’re merely 7 feet tall and made mostly from flesh?
I guess this is one of the personal reason he decided to fade into the Ignika.
I always found Mata Nui’s prestige very interesting. Great idea you got here.
He would propably be extremly guilt-ridden considering that Teridax take over was partially his fault. So I guess he would rather distance himself from the new matoran society as focus on solving the mysteries of the Great Beings.
The Order of Mata Nui would probably try to assist MN on every corner despite his annoyance with constant bootlicking on thier part.
Then again, if he would caught the wind of Velika’s actions, he would definitely use his connections to stop the rogue Great Being.
I would even suggest that OoMN would interrogate the heck out of Velika.
(Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes, english is my second language)
Could be an interesting idea for a G1 continuation too, if MN ever comes back from sleep mode.
that was one of the biggest things i wanted to see if the series had continued; the clash on values of mata nui between the inhabitants of bara magna and the matoran universe. one group saw him as a deity and another he was a friend and equal. i felt that disconnect would have been a great narrative element going forward and amazing to explore.
just that panel of kiina clutching the ignika in mourning of mata nui in such a personal way would i think have given some of the MU inhabitants an iffy opinion of things
There would also probably be more two groups that mirror these two.
Whatever’s left of the Skrall and Bone Hunters would hate Mata Nui as an enemy who defeated them, and many beings across the newly-reformed Spehrus Magna would hate him, or at least distrust him, as a creation of the Great Beings.