Introduce Yourself!

Well he introduced himself, so why not?


Strange person.

/s q:


Hello fellow board members, I’m happy to start communicating with you all!


Huh…been here for almost seven months and never introduced myself…

So…hi, I’m BlueCel (no no No NO, it is not cell it is pronounced Blue shell)
Often shipped, and called man.



Who are you again? :stuck_out_tongue:


Hiya @Ayyyy! Welcome to the TTV Message Boards, where all your dreams go to die come true. Remember to read the rules!

And here’s another, somewhat helpful link ;<Slime can’t read this>)


C’mon man, BluexCell


You’ve been shipped?
That even happens on this message board?
I’m not sure whether the fact that that happens is disgusting or kind of impressive.


I’ve been here for a little over a month and never really introduced myself. I just kind of started posting and people were like “k”.

ANYWAY, I’m Invader39. I’m a MOCist, Filmmaker and Writer. I’ve been a BIONICLE fan since 2004 and have been with the line ever since.

I’m an Administrator of the Custom BIONICLE Wiki and have many BIONICLE projects in the works. I’ve been watching TTV since the BIONICLE 2015 leak came out, so my first podcast episode was 106.

I can be sarcastic at times and joking… I think.

I also occasionally draw.


Never really properly introduced myself so here goes. Hi I’m Alvarado9660 lets see I’m easy going guy, I’m a small business owner, I like anime, video games, sports and I like to go and workout oh and bionicle I can’t forget that too.

Recently Work and working out have become the main things I do on a daily basis. I still find some free time to play video games and watch anime but not as much as I used to and that’s basically it.

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That’s kinda what I did when I joined

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Herlew, I is RaptorTalon, I have been here for almost a year…so yeh.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Oh, hi MT.


Who is TMM, I am ayyyy

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Oh hey, I figure I might as well reintroduce myself, since when I did it the first time my username was Veltraxx.

Well anyways, I have been here for a little of a year marking back to October 2014, I’ve really enjoyed the community and what it has to offer, including Haloblast, AidanBionicle1 and all that glory. :smiley:
I do stuff here, been a Master since April 2015, which is cool.
And yeah.

I also noticed that only 1 of the 5 people whom welcomed me the first time is active. XD

Oh hey. totally didn’t forget to actually talk about myself

I like DC Comics, Weird Al, and some other stuff. I also play CoD. I play some Halo here and there, but not entirely used to it, which makes me go back to CoD. I also like the LEGO games.
Been a follower of TTV since the original leaks from the summer of 2014.


Try not to die…

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I used to be xX_TChalla_Xx. I used to be a master. I used to be active.
However, that version of “me” is gone.
Now, I write. I will continue the TTVerse. I will continue my poetry. And I will continue to try and make the boards a better place through my contributions.
Currently, I am Da_Funk. This is the new “me.”
And man, has this place changed. Crazy amount of protectors, too. It’s good to be back.


Punished “Venom” TChalla


Heyo, new guy here. I’ve been a Bionicle (and some other LEGO stuff) fan for most of my life. Although I can’t remember specifcally which LEGO set was my first, I know Toa Lewa (the Mata version, not the Nuva) was my first ever Bionicle set, back in 2001. I would’ve been about 6 then. I was hooked, and collected (along with my brother) most main sets and some titan sets up until the Glatorian Legends line. I’d never even heard of the Stars sets until a few months ago.
After we’d gotten two of the Glatorian sets (Malum and the black one with the shield, I think called ‘Skrall’, we sorta left the fandom since it was being discontinued. I’d never kept up with story, and I’d never had the money to collect, or my parents for that matter (most of our sets were bought by my grandmother), so I more enjoyed the MOCing side of the fandom, even if I didn’t know there was a MOCing community online.
So eventually I just left the fandom, even going so far as to stop MOCing (my parents never much liked me ‘playing’ with the LEGO anyway). I still kept up with Cryoshell, since they are an amazing band I still love to this day, but the LEGO collection (which is pretty small compared to most collectors/MOCers) pretty much got shelved.
Once the reboot of Bionicle was announced, and I saw the new sets, I wanted to get back into the fandom, although I didn’t really like the sets (they looked childish and simple, and the new building system looked like it wouldn’t take skill to use), so I just forgot about it.
A few months ago now, I think back in October, I went through a phase where all I listened to was Cryoshell, and I became so overwhelmed with nostalgia that I got the LEGO out and started MOCing again. I’d recently started an Instagram account too, and was posting my MOCs on there, and I discovered a community called Biogram on there, and it’s all snowballed from there. Yesterday I created a new Insta account as a Biogram (@kokorodaki) so I would have a page just for my MOC-related stuff, and the first pic I posted, a WIP build of a centaur-type creature, was so loved that one of the prominent communtiy members (I think he’s a ‘big’ member) gave me a shoutout, and I was amazed at how welcoming the communtiy was.
When it comes to the TTV related questions, I found the channel a couple of months ago when I was looking for MOCs on Youtube, and found Ven’s MOC Spotlight series, and my two favourite series are that and Eljay’s Recap Reviews.
When it comes to off-topic stuff, my interests are reading (Shadowhunters, Matthew Reilly), gaming (Destiny, Minecraft), writing (poetry, books, some fan fiction), Youtube (mostly LPs like Minecraft and ARK), and music (Cryoshell, Icon For Hire).
Thanks guys, both TTV staff and the community.