Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Nuva Cube is comprised of 6 square panels. Does that mean that it’s hollow inside? And how do the squares fit together?
Where is this info coming from?
The Nuva Symbols are six square(-ish) panels that fit onto the Nuva Cube, but I’m not aware of any source that indicates that the Cube itself comes apart into six panels.
Here you can see the shapes of the Nuva Symbols and how they fit onto the Nuva Cube:
As has been said, the Nuva cube is definitely not made of six separate walls. The first clue should be the fact that the Nuva symbols are designed to continue and flow into each other over the cube. Ask any of the 3d artists who took their time to reproduce and model the cube. Check this in 3d rotation mode for example:
I guess we don’t know what is “inside” the cube, but it is certainly not comprised of 6 panels - it is a single piece.
Given that the inside glows in all depictions, I don’t think we can say if it is or isn’t hollow. Is it a glowing surface, or just a mysterious glowing energy? No way to know.
Maybe energized protodermis? It would fit, given how the Nuva were formed.
I see where the confusion is coming from. The Nuva Cube isn’t the combination of the six Nuva Symbols, it’s a preexisting object that the symbols can be attached to (see TheJerminator’s image). The combination of the cube + symbols doesn’t have a name to my knowledge, and whether the cube itself is hollow I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you were really asking about, lol
That is probably what happened here. We never saw it happen, but when all Nuva symbols are attached to the Nuva cube, it forms a sphere, similar to Makoki stones.
Thanks for the replies, everyone! If anyone was wondering, the reason I thought that the Nuva Cube was comprised of panels was twofold. First, the Bohrok animations portray the Nuva Symbols as perfectly square panels.
With that image in mind, I remembered how the Nuva Cube itself was a perfect square, so I was trying to remember how the symbols fit together. A friend of mine jokingly asked if I could find a way to compare Cheezits to Bionicle, and the Nuva Cube was the only square thing I could think of. In trying to describe it from memory, I thought it came into being when the panels were put together (like the Makoki Stone).
Had I done a bit of research, I would have seen the image that TheJerminator posted which shows that the panels are not completely square. And the quote at the top of its Biosector01 page clearly states “The cube had shapecarved spaces on each side, a perfect fit for the [power symbols] that were stolen from us,” which proves that it is its own object with or without the symbols.
It’s still interesting how the Nuva Symbols didn’t have a definite shape until 03, kind of like the Mask of Life in 06.