I have been wanting to know and if someone could explain the situation, if they can, that would be appreciated. The reason why I would like to know is that you rarely hear the channel talk about it anymore and the last time they did was last year.
Meso stated in a recent podcast that discussion about it will return in the future, but the Brainstorm podcasts that were dedicated to it have been cancelled.
They’ll get back to it when they feel ready, I assume. I myself have refrained from asking about it out of respect (not to suggest that asking is disrespectful).
One of the other hosts will be far more qualified than I to answer this question, but my understanding has been that Kahi was the driving force behind Brickonicle development and now that he is no longer working with the Channel, the project is taking a hiatus until such a time as the group can actually decide once again on a direction for it to go.
It is entirely possible that Brickonicle falls to the wayside in favour of other projects, in which case I would simply remind everyone that you don’t need TTV to tell you what Brickonicle is going to be. The community did a great job of showcasing and pitching ideas, and they can continue to do so.
It hasn’t been worked on and there are no plans to work on it in the immediate future.
my sincere apologies for asking, I shouldn’t have asked during the beginning
Nah, nah, you’re alright. It’s a good question to ask, that’s just the current answer at the moment. We’ll certainly come back to figuring out what is next for it, but for now we’re still recouping and focusing on others things. Soon as we know, we’ll discuss it on a podcast or here on the MB. In the meantime, keep creating!
As a final point of bother, would it be handy if someone compiled a list of stuff that has yet to be discussed, or would you all be all sorted regarding that in the event that you return to this?