Joe's painted Bionicle Masks

I figured I had enough to make a separate topic.

I’m not a master painter, but enjoy!


The nokama mask is my favorite. They’re pretty good, I couldn’t even tell the first one is painted.


That’s actually the one I’ve spent the most time tweaking.

The sides of the frills are silver, there is a scar over the left eye, and some other silver highlights such as the eye socket “rim.”

It’s my self moc mask.

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I like Vakama’s

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They are all neato

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They all have very interesting designs. Great job

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Gali and Antroz both look good, though I am not a big fan of the others. I’m gonna strat painting my binnacle parts soon.

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they are nice, pretty well done, only complaint is the paint seems rushed and a thin layer, you can see this clearly on Vakama’s but other than that these are great :slight_smile:

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I really love the huna

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Wow. Those are actually really pretty. They should be enlarged and put on a wall!

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wow there quite good apart from the silver and red one sorry I`m not that good with bionicle names off by heart apart from the obvious ones


Huna (Just saying)

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Noice. :smile:

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These are really nice paint jobs! I like the Exxtrooper Mask (I could call it by its real name, but I forgot it…). It looks ancient, but in a mysterious, dark way.


It’s known as the Kanohi Jutlin, my personal favorite bionicle mask and the one I use on my self moc.


Oh, thanks for letting me know! It’s a pretty nice looking mask, probably one of the best out of the Makuta 2008.

I also like the Avsa because it reminds me of my cat. :smile:


These are pretty cool, to be honest.

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The kaukau visor is a nice fix ,and the Radiak scar is just superb.

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I like that Great Huna.

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